Feb 02, 2008 23:23
I started out my last post about money saying that how we deal with money is weird - then I didn't say a damn thing about that afterward. So instead of providing a bunch of links and advice I'll just babble. This is all from personal experience, so assume I'm talking about me here ven if it's not clear.
One thing is paying bills. We know bills are going to come every month, and we know we're going to have to pay them. You could sit and budget out all your bills for the next year - there are virtually no surprises (I'm not counting bills like car repair, medical, etc. that don't come every month). Yet when they come, many of us cringe and avoid paying them until the last minute.
Another thing is big purchases. They're such a rush! I read an article that - link long lost - about a study that said something to the effect of 'people get a bigger rush from buying the same thing for more money." And so, we make big purchases even if we can't afford it. I've done it. It's called a tv, a playstation 3...
I also know personally that I hate looking at my bank account. I hate going in and seeing small amounts of money (not as big a problem as it used to be...), so I just don't go look. It's really stupid!
Those are what I have so far - anyone have any of their own?