Full on night terror FTW?

Jul 31, 2007 03:39

Okay...so I should have seen this one coming. Today I was reminded that I had school in three weeks, and thus I get stress added on to the job search. So I should have seen it coming. Not...really, no.

Climb into bed, thinking it'll be nice to go to sleep somewhat earlier than usual. Less than ten minutes later I've run the course of the nightmare, run into the night terror, and out of it.  Said dream?  I don't even remember how it started, how the middle was, I just remember the very end.  I'm joking to my parents about someone from the government coming to imprison us.  Don't know why.  I open the door of my Dad's car, the back one, and there's a guy there.  I can't see anything below his waist, he's crouched over in the back.  Eyes?  Fucking pitch black on white.  Next moment, I'm dead with a bullet through the heart, one arm gone, my right one, and he's off killing my family.  Seconds later I get to wake up, and there's someone by the side of my bed.  They're grabbing my arm, clutching it really, my left arm is under me, I can't breathe.  At all.  There's a shadowy person next to me that I can't really see, just sense that they're there.  The thing next to me is crying, sobbing into my arm about something.  I'm trying to breathe, and this thing starts to talk.

"I'm sorry...but I need my alarm back."

What the fuck?

Next second, I'm lying in bed, same position, and suddenly I can breathe.  The person on my right?  Fades into the fucking blackness.  Just melts into it.  Right now?  I'm twitchy, I'm looking over my shoulder, and I really don't want to go back to sleep.

night terror, sleep, nightmare

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