(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 09:36

1. Spell your first name backwards: Nai

2. Story behind your username name: One of my favorite games was and is Total Annihilation Kingdoms, hence the Tak. takplayer was born and has continued since. Hera, my in game last name, is the accronym for the first particle accelerator in the world.

3. What month were you born in? May

4. Where do you live? Bozeman, MT


5. Wallet: Walt Disney black wallet, but falling apart

7. Toothbrush: I switch between an electric toothbrush and a folding travel one.

8. Jewelry worn daily: my engagment ring

10. Pillow cover right now: dark navy blue

11. Underwear: briefs, FTL, all colors

12. Best friends: Andrea, Reese, Alex

13. Sunglasses: Blue, cool looking

14. Favorite shirt: don't really have one. anything that works

15. Cologne/Perfume: i don't wear any, but I did wear something from Hugo Boss (?) that Andrea liked

16. CD in stereo: CDs are so 10 years ago.

17. Piercings: none


18. Wearing now: Shirt from white water rafting, jean shorts

19. Wishing: Andrea was here and I didn't have homework to get back to

20. Wanting: happyness, sex, relaxation

26. The last thing you ate: M&Ms

27. Something you are deathly afraid of: Heights without railings

Do You:

28. Do you like candles: They're ok.

30. Do you like the taste of blood: In small amounts

31. Do you believe in love: yep yep

32. Do you believe in soul mates: definitely

35. Do you believe in God: Yes

43. What's something you wish you could understand better: Women ;)


46. How many people have you kissed? 1 :P

47. Are you shy around your crush? I think I grew out of crushes

48. Still have feelings for anyone in a past relationship? I don't have any past relationships :P

49. Do you know what it feels like to be in love? thankfully yes :)

50. Would you sacrifice your favorite possession for your best friends? Depends on the friend. Andrea, definitely. Everyone else? maybe...


51. Where is your favorite place to shop? Amazon.com, Gamestop

53. What is your favorite thing to wear? a t-shirt and whatever

54. What is a must have accessory? Accessory? Probably my gadgets :P

55. How much is the most you've ever spent in a single clothing store? Umm, I don't know. Other people buy me clothes.

56. Who is the least fashionable person you know? Reese. He's a nerd through and through.

57. Do you match your belt with your hair color? When I wear a belt, it matches my outfit.

59. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4 that fit.

60. What is the worst trend you see today? *shrugs* I don't notice trends.

61. Do you do drugs? no

62.What kind of soap do you use? Pert Plus counts as soap right? :P

63.What are you listening to right now? The sounds of ocean

65. Who was the last person that called you? Andrea duh :P

66. Where do you want to get married? Probably outside of Portland, possibly an outdoor service

67. How many buddies are online right now? 6

69. What are essentials in your life? My computer, Andrea

70. Do you send out holiday cards each year? nope

71. Hair right now: pretty good. still feeling good since the spa treatment 2 days ago

72. mood: Relaxed, missing Andrea

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