I MEME'D. Kamen rider fic meme

Jul 08, 2009 17:40

This is a Fic meme, Stole from kitana824

Warnings: Implied Yaoi..... also lots of wtf.

Prompt: Let your mp3 player play, as a song starts, start writing and when it ends stop, stop writing.
At least 10 songs must be done.


Song: jet set lets go 8bit
Artist: Henery Homesweet (made for pokemon)
Rider: Den-o

Another day on denliner, Another thousand and a half cups of coffee, Naomi smiled
and poured another cup for Urataros. Maybe she added a little extra sugar or
something else to his cup... maybe not? She smiled thinking for a moment that if
she changed the way she made their regular coffee (not discluding slipping them a
drug) she could make them act completely different...... and after a moment of
harsh debating, slipped some riddilin into Ryuutas cup,... just for fun. ;P


Song: servant of evil
Rider: Kiva

No one thought much of him, Not even the person he was closest to...He was even
willing to stay silent when that person had begged for someone better then him to
stay by his side.. It hurt but he only wanted the best for that person.. If it was
what he wanted he would do his best to help. Sagarc, regardless of how many times
Taiga had done something painful...would stay by his side forever.


Song: Creeps me out
Artist: I'm A robot
Rider: Kiva

Wataru could feel someone watching him as he walked home... Where were they hiding?
He couldn't hear foot steps but he knew they was there... He moved quickly into his
house... ah someone had left him dinner;;;...Why was the rice shaped like a heart?
He heard water running and peeked into the bathroom.... no one there but the bath
was ready..... He looked at it questioningly for a moment, then--- shakes off the
weird feeling and decides to make use of the bath.... after all these sort of
things have been happening for at least a week now..
He stretched out having a comfortable soak in the bath, eyes closed head against
the edge of the tub...feeling someone elses breath against his cheek, his eyes
shooting open in shock. Nago.


Song: F-F-F-Falling
Artist: the Rasmus
Rider: Kiva

It wasn't a normal life for him...He knew he was different...But he had learned to
accept that. He took a deep breath. The world was going to have to accept him this
way, Because he personally would make sure that everyone would live together, not
as food and prey anymore, He knew they could be good ... no more fear...


Song: Roman Hikou
Artist: Psycho le Cemu
Rider: Den-o

He pressed his forehead against the glass of the window. Sometimes it was nice to
just watch the sky.... but what was better then watching a rainbow sky? He smiled a
bit to himself, It seemed almost too surreal, he watched his imagin out of the
corner of his eyes, blowing bubbles, bickering, sleeping. each one of them was
important to him, but one more then the others, He watched his red,
confrontational, best friend attempt to put Urataros into a headlock, shouting
something about the last bit of pudding and couldnt help but laugh.

Song: Senor senora senorita
Artist: Miyavi
Rider: Den-o

Ura grinned to himself, It was his day after all which meant no one could interrupt
his dates (provided there were no bad imagin attacks of course) After a Few hours
of spiriting about town with various different ladies, sometimes alone or in groups.
He suddenly felt the need to switch dates again, growing bored of "Midori-chan" and
"Hibari-chan" he sat to check the cellphone for another date to call,...but the contacts
list was gone... replaced only with one number, the one for the denliner's diner car phone
and the contact name of "quit calling them you turtle-jerk D<" he smiled....feeling a soft
warmth in his chest. whispering a a bit amused "senpai..."


Song: Do you like waffles? Remix
Artist: Guttermouth
Rider: Kabuto

Kagami sat stuffing his face with breakfast Jyuka had made. She smiled and stated
"you and Nii-san slept in late" Tendou simply answered "Obaachan always said, If
you enjoy something, savor every bite"
Kagami choked on the waffle.

Song: Under the darkness
Artist: Kichiku Megane ((YAOI H-GAME THEME WHY NOW IPOD WHYYY? D: ))
Rider: Den-o

It was almost creepy... Having no control of your body as it moved about...He was a
different person the second the glasses appeared, a lying flirt. It made him
uncomfortable sometimes, Knowing he's missed out on alot of his bodies own first
experiences, but he wasnt going to any longer, He'd stay awake.
Ura could feel just how uncomfortable Ryoutarou was, he smiled and moved into a
more secluded room of denliner, softly suggesting to the retreated consciousness
"I've taken alot from you Ryoutarou... Would you be opposed if I returned it to
Ryoutarou faltered, unsure of what to do as the Imagin abandoned his body,
appearing in front of him and pressing him against the train's cold metal wall...

Song: Final fantasy victory midi (this doesnt count XDDDD but it's a haiku XDDDD)
Rider: Decade

Riders of past times,
Decade stands tall among them,
he has won battles.

Song: Shine
Artist: Take that
Rider: Den-o

Deneb smiled as he shopped, Yuuto had been more open with everyone as of late, he
stuffed a good number of things into the basket, thinking about how good things
would be for Yuuto if he really started to trust ryoutarou-tachi. If yuuto would
just be honest about his feelings he could be so happy... He smiled and clutched
the shopping basket to his chest, practically skipping through the market, after
all Yuuto was all that mattered to him and just considering that he could
experience such wonderful friendships, made his heart warm and swell with joy.

Song: Weeeeeeek
Artist: NEWS
Rider: Ryuki

Shinji would prove everyone wrong, because he was positive he could become Ore
journals top investigative journalist. He smiled a bit, even though things seemed
to be a bit droning at the moment he was certain things would look up for him soon.
He'd get his big break as a journalist, he was sure of it.There was now way he
could fail. He headed to the "scene of the crime" or rather-- where the man said he
found the Talking cat. He happily took down information from it all and headed
back, Pausing in front of a building. "Atori Cafe?" He could use some coffee....

NOW YOU READ IT YOU DO IT TOO XDDD if you want to XDComment and tell me how bad ne?

stupid stupid stupid, fiction, kamen rider, meme, yaoi

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