Dec 30, 2006 21:38
Had an absolutely amazing day today. Woke up late, for which there was much huzzahing, got some running about done (and got a new calendar, Maxfield Parish for the win) and then I had a wonderfully delicious Chinese dinner at Dragon House with my gorgeous wife Sachiko. We were consummate nerds and played our Pokemon games whilst waiting for the food to come out. And lo, it was AWESOME ^_^ Plus, you know, making love twice in one day makes everything better *shit-eating grin*
We did hammy cages last night which meant that we got to cuddle the new babies after their one-week quarrantine. Cinder almost melted my heart with her cuteness. I was so worried she'd be a nipper or a biter...and when I picked her up out of her cage and she got a little freaked, I cradled her to my chest and cupped my hand around her and whispered 'it's all right Cinder, calm...calm'...and she calmed right down and let me pet her. SQUEEEEEE! She's so very soft and she reminds me a little of Banana (Anakin, the boy hammy my wifey brought with her from Michigan) the way she was exploring her daddy and letting me caress her. *smiles* I've got Anakin, Cinder and Azula that will all be cuddly with me now. Good gods help me, I am a hammy-daddy. And I'm loving it.
I am trying very hard to not worry too much about finances of late but I know that I need to get them under control, as I don't like asking to borrow money. I think I have everything taken care of for right now until the bill for the credit card comes in. Next paycheck will be credit card paying, traffic ticket paying and fun with whatever is leftover. I just hope I don't have to ask Dad for some money before that. Oh well, if it happens, it happens. No biggie.
Gonna wrap this up and play Pokemon and snuggle with my sweet, loving wifey. She makes me so very, very happy and I can't wait to marry her. Take care my packmates!