Aug 04, 2010 16:48
Today has been a good day so far, possibly the best.
It's odd having Travis leave in the middle of the day. Until I'm actively working, I feel I'll most likely use afternoons for napping... one of which is coming on soon. I'm hanging out with my tomatoes in the dappled afternoon sun. I'm hoping it's enough daylight for them, but at least they're flowering now and hopefully they will fruit. It's definitely warm enough. The morning started out cool and rainy, but cleared as we got out of bed. The sun was beginning to make an appearance by the time we left for the rec center, and I think it's currently 73. I feel like I'm in a forest glade, especially with all the bird sounds.
My mom left this afternoon. It was just in time, as the situation was beginning to look desperate. We put Mikie on a plane Tuesday morning, and it kind of wrecked us financially. I didn't follow up on a favor in time but we made use of flight credits for a reduced standby flight for my mama. We'd had our moments (at least one per day, it seemed) of snapping at one another, but yesterday was almost a fight while we attempted to put together the bedroom bookcase. It was hot, we were tired, and eventually she admitted to not liking the task and not being able to work with me. I'm sure it took a lot for her to say, "I'm not good at this" so I left it at that. We each cooled off in respective rooms and ate a pleasant dinner, extolling the virtues of quinoa the whole while. Travis grumbled through the door just past midnight, and he showered while I plated his dinner. Eventually we all made nice and went to bed.
Everyone was polite, no one was pissy this morning. Travis was a little terse after breakfast, while figuring out if he had time enough to finish my bookshelf project and swim. We decided the swim was our priority, and went to get our memberships set up at the local recreation center. Never thought I'd be cheering for a homeowner's association, but this community center is dope. The pool and fitness rooms were all recently remodeled, and there was plenty of weight equipment as well as stationary bikes, bouncy balls & yoga classes. We took a look around before settling into the leisure pool. Travis was called out by the lifeguard (ha!) for hopping over the wall into the lap pool. This made me giggle. We did two laps before realizing we'd rather just be soaking. Hot tubbing commenced for the next 10 minutes and we left refreshed. I'm really looking forward to making use of the facilities, and having swimming & yoga as part of my daily routine. The locker rooms all have steam & sauna, as well. Travis is now officially sold on our move. *whew*
I just heard a couple fighting on a car driving down the street behind the house. Ooh and a sheriff! I guess we are in Clackamas County. A big change from the gunfights & street altercations I'm used to back in the W.O.
Looking around my house, I'm so pleased when I see the mingling of our belongings. This is awesome.