Sorry, I'm beginning with Indonesian ;D
Aaa, pengen rasanya sekali-kali ngisi entri pake bahasa indo.
Biar gak banyak yang tau ;D
padahal pengen ngisi apa juga gak yakin T3T
Dua hari yang lalu (malam nyepi), sekitar jam 9-11 malam, Solo diterjang badai dan petirnya kek di film2 itu lho. Gak brenti2. Ujannya sih gak seberapa, tapi suara gluduknya serem...mana lampu mati (T_T);;; pengen dipeluk seseorang jadinya XDD
Tadi siang ngurus STNK sama papi...buset ruwet banget yah namanya samsat (ini pertamakalinya aku kesana), hebat~gak seribet yang aku bayangkan loh ngurusnya. Cepet banget *O*
Aku makin intens ama The Golden Spider setelah mereka menyatakan mau bubar besok Juli. Take care yah, mas-mas keren (TwT)/
Pemilu caleg bentar lagi yah? Males. Golput aja deh. Abis gak ada yang ada dheng, bapaknya temenku ada yang nyaleg, tapi males ah....ntar ujung2nya juga mementingkan pihak sendiri, haha~
Aku dengerin lagu2 lama Laruku lagi, hihi~
Malam ini dingin banget~ padahal pengen keramas~
Gak penting semua ya beritanya...T_T
Emang seh~ soalnya.....
........pada intinya,
aku lapar :|
*Indonesian ends*
Now, because
tayru has tagged me,
A. People who have been tagged must, if they choose to participate, write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
Please italicize the new question if you do that.
01. What are your nicknames?
you can call me with my real name. I left away my nickname since long time ago.
02. How does your hair look like currently?
horrible...I'm sure you wouldn't like to look at it D8
03. What's new in your life right now?
my new job, maybe.
04. How many colours are you wearing now?
? what does it mean? Um...3, maybe
05. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I can be both, but mostly introvert.
06. What was the last book you read?
A psychology book, I forgot the title though...
07. Do you nap a lot?
not really, but I do like it
08. If you had to have a one night stand with someone famous, who would you like it to be?
*O* recently, Saki...hahaha~ (dunno if he's famous or not :|)
but I'm sure I would change my answer if I'll be asked a week again XD;
09. Is there anything that has made you happy these days?
the rain came again
10. What's your current obsession?
being able to cook more variant foods
11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
not too long: I wake up earlier easily, I take a bath quickly and I'm not a die-for-being-good-looking person.
12. What websites do you visit daily?
lj, ameba, ST, yaplog, visunavi, some OHPs
13. Do you write fics? What was the last fic you wrote?
no and never
14. What's the last thing you laughed about?
ClearVeil's The Future of Despair PV, I LOL-ed at 00:52-00:54 =))
Don't ask me why XDDDDD
15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
E'm~grief~ - Heretical Glare
16. What's the last movie you saw?
P.S. I Love You (DVD)
17. Would you enter a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?
Of course not, I'm not a person who thinks that there wouldn't be someone else besides him (>__<)
18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you did today?
um, I think none. I enjoyed everything what I did today! ;D
B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
Sorry :p