May 10, 2005 11:36
I love daylight dreaming
escaping this world
and just lying, breathing
in and out the world seeps in
the thought is caught
and its time to begin
pollens flying all around
and my eyes are watering from the sun
speckles where air used to be
I rub my eyes
and once again I can see
the water below beckons
but I brush it off
and look back again to the waves below
who can resist this bliss
head first I dive in
as the bubbles float above I dive deeper
the moment I feel weightless I stop
until I can feel the air coming nearer
I can see the clouds and hear the breeze
all seeming so real
deep down under these imaginary seas
the sun shines down
and the waves toss back the warmth
looking back I'm still happy this is my town
the hidden things that no one will ever know
and the better kept rewards of being a native northerner here
all outweigh the sight of crowded shores
even more then knowing four forty isn't as good anymore
and now whats left are the tourist maps
but further from them
and better then them
are the never seen, never known spots and times
when the best sights are seen
and there's the brightest sunset that takes a little climb
once your up there the troubles seem far
looking down
ya can barely even see your car
but now the sun sleeps
and when its falling
it wraps you in its soft warm sheets
and to this you give in
and for this you'd take back everything again
but ya can't and you won't
because those who only knew
are the ones who lived here before
and the ones who saw before
will never tell
but only show you
what no one else sees anymore
this beautiful hometown's hidden lake shore