Happy Anniv. Scott

Mar 27, 2005 15:00

I can't believe it's already been 6 months with Scott! Well, its definately been the BEST 6 months of my life anyways. We don't have any major plans but just some romantic stuff that i don't know about and that we haven't done yet, but there are still 9 more hours left in the day so hopefully it will be good :)

Jennay and Josh came for a visit from VA Beach!!! YAY!! we went to Ledo's yesterday and then back to my apartment with Lauren of course. We played some Donkey Konga, and some Mario Part 6, and then watched the Incredibles. I got to bartend for Jennay, made her a Midori Sour!!!! delcious.

on another note
Does anyone have pets who follow them to the bathroom, then meow (or bark...whatev') and scratch at the door the WHOLE time you're in there? My cats do.... and then i feel bad for just doing what nature intended for me to do.... i mean, i don't scratch and cry when they're in their shit-pen (litter box) doing their own bussiness. Although when they start trying to use it while i'm removing their old bussiness..... well,.... thats just to gross and smelly.

So at work today someone had the undecency to shit all over the toilet seat and the floor... and is smelled and was smeared everywhere. It to so f-ing long to clean it up. I had to tell a pregnant woman to use the men's bathroom b/c the atrocious smell in the women's bathroom might make her nautious and the puke... and after clean up shit... i really didn't want to clean up junk that came out the other end with a more intence acidic smell... eugh!
An for the love of god... I'm JEWISH! stop wishing me a happy easter when i had you your coffee! If i celebrated it... would i really be working? And its just plain rude! Do you ever wish me a happy channuka? NO!

Weather has been... well.... gross today and yesterday.... no sun what-so-ever! Its crazy. I really wanted a perfectly romantic day with Scott today... i spent it so far as follows: Getting up at the butt-crack-ass-of-dawn to go to work; work til 2:30ish; come home and now sit on my couch updating while scott sits in his boxers playing an f-ing gamecube video game..... well.... so far it's been incredibly romantic based on this....sigh

Does anyone wish for something crazy to happen in their lives every once in a while? Just to spice up the dull and repetitive lives they do? I doubt i'm the only one. (but crazy good... not crazy getting fired or anything like that)

well thats all for the moment.... i will update if tomorrow if anything "cRaZy" happens today.... i'm off tomorrow... weird for a Monday.


I love you SOOOOOO much Scott
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