Aug 15, 2012 22:58
Ok, here I am sitting in Easthampton having sangria and hanging out in my roommate Brenda's room. We have been talking about the things that we look for in boyfriends or husbands and she said that she knows so many people who marry people who are opposite, or who don't fit their ideal list. She challenged me to make a list of my own with qualities that I think I want in a husband and when I'm married to go back and see how my list compares to my husband, or how my priorities have changed.
So here I go...
My Perfect Life Partner Check List
-Liberal political views - unwavering.
-Always votes Democratic - knowing the importance of keeping the liberal vote together
-Politically aware, knowing whats going on/how it affects people
-Must have an interest/be devoted to my interests in Children, Health, Poverty.
-Must be healthy, live healthy life, eat healthy/exercise with me
-Funny: has to make me laugh all the time
-Needs to be involved in the community
-Should make a decent amount of money (since I am devoting my life to likely being poor)
-Attractive :)
-Romantic: ie Poems, Letters, Songs etc
-Some sort of "manly" side: ie Motorcycle
-Brave - risk taking; a compliment to my hesitations
-Should be ok knowing my bffs will know pretty much everything, good and bad
-Able to keep my secrets, be trustworthy to tell my secrets to.
-Love my family, even the crazies.
-Let me decorate/organize the house. Input is ok, but I get final say.
-Listen to me vent and agree, not solve.
-Be ok with 0,1,3,4,+ ?? children.
-Must like all of my friends.
End of list as of 8/15/12
8/27/12 ADDENDUM:
He must be appreciative of a wide range of music. Go to country, rock, and everything in between. Even folk that reminds me of my childhood/mother.