Title: Did You Remember It?
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Rating: PG-13
Medium: Photoshop CS4
More fan art for
subtilior's fan fiction "Nine Eleven Ten," on
1stclass_kink (it's the second fill down the page) or on
AO3. It's very dark and very beautiful and you should read it!
(click for full size) |
(on deviantArt) from "Nine Eleven Ten":
Charles tightened all of his mental veils - and the new thing, the real veil. You can’t see me. You can’t see me - look away look away -
Was it working?
… oh my god. Yes. Yes, it’s working, because the man had flicked his eyes to the left, frowning - looking away - and Charles could turn his own head to the right and exhale silently; inhale again and then again because he had been so short on air …
But then Charles froze, as the man took a one casual step forward.
His breath was hot against Charles’ jaw.
Charles didn’t dare move.
For, if he moved his head a fraction of an inch back to where it had been, he would actually … his mind stuttered. His lips would meet the man’s mouth and then oh shite shite shite not going to think about that and want and the fact that the man was so damn close …