(no subject)

Jan 16, 2010 23:06

Dude, there was a Doctor Who reference in Supernatural! There's this conspiracy-theorist guy that the Winchesters are talking to who mistook a shapeshifter for a robot a la Terminator, and when he's saying "look in China they're making robotic men!" he holds up a news magazine with a Cyberman on the front. XD Looks like the brothers might have an even bigger problem on their hands soon if there are Cybermen in their world!

Gave my two week's notice last night at the Fireside. =P It's a little bittersweet; not all of the people there were uninteresting or jerks; nonetheless I'll be glad to not have to work there any longer. I get paid the same at the Bookstore but I have to do a lot less running around, lifting, and working with gross things; not having highschoolers as my primary colleagues is refreshing too. I've pretty much learned how to use a register now, and I'm good about keeping busy for the most part.

Starting painting my room today! How long ago was it that I picked out a color? Ages, at least. Adric and I only got on the first layer, but the important thing is that it's started, so it should be done soon, although I workthe next few days and then school starts up again. It's called lantana green, by the way; it's sort of a less pastel mint color, and should go well with the white trim and brilliant blue carpet.

doctor who, jobs

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