*Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
*Turn to page 56.
*Find the fifth sentence.
*Post that sentence along with these instructions in your LiveJournal.
*Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
"'And then Kroll became angry and struck them down, swallowing into himself the symbol of power and killing all who were in the temple, even unto Hajes the High Priest.'"
From Doctor Who and the Power of Kroll. However, since I'm sitting next to a bookshelf and therefore am close to many books, here's an alternative that's one shelf down:
"The church of Frieze does not care for dog-soldiers," she said.
And that's from Black Dogs, Part One: the House of Diamond by Ursula Vernon.
I just finished (well, and started) Michael Crichton's Sphere today. Quite a good book, and rather evocative. Not sure I like the and-then-it-never-happened ending but I suppose it makes sense.