Judyserenity sent me a nudge to ask if I'm still among the living, and indeed I am.
Let me amend that: still half-alive with the same stupid fatigue problem as before, which explains why I haven't kept up with this thing: nothing new to say.
I'm still working as a tech writer in IT for a LAN security company here in SLC and it's fun because I'm right here among the software engineers: if I have a question, I can toddle over to their cubes and ask them instead of having to send it through the project manager and probably not get an answer.
I also have direct access to the text files for the screen, so I can standardize the capitalization and such, something that engineers don't care about, and something that always bugs the heck out of me. Now I can do it myself without having to bug them about it.
This year's flowers, so far:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/36459782@N00/sets/72157633233656386/detail/ Last year's flowers:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/36459782@N00/sets/72157629530126067/detail/ My Pinterest account:
http://pinterest.com/dicentra33/ I have been sucked whole into the Pinterest maw-it appeals to my magpie side (shiny things!) and my organize-like-crazy side. I'm lost and may never get back.
AAAaand that's all she wrote.