Now blooming

Apr 23, 2007 11:18

Today's bouquet contains, incredibly, a very fresh Easter Bonnet daffodil (blooming for the last 3-4 weeks), a sprig of dicentra, two unnamed tulips from the previous owner (red and red-on-yellow), leopard's bane, basket-o-gold, polychrome euphorbia (we'll see if it survives as a cut flower) Apricot Beauty tulip, the first little pink Darwin hybrid tulip, and a species tulip.

People think my yard must be a'poppin with blooms, but they're spread out enough that the effect is watered down plenty compared to the glory of the bouquet.

Euphorbia polychroma

Doronicum caucasicum, Leopard's Bane

Alyssum saxatile Basket-o-Gold


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