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shinjimimura03 January 23 2010, 14:00:31 UTC
actually im his older sister! im 25 and ive taken him from europe to japan many times to see jrock bands a few times year as well... my whole life. ive paid double so as he doesnt miss out on anything. i buy his food, travel, hair cuts, clothes, piercings, hostels, hotels, trips, concert tickets, cinema. ive given him his whole life. and hes never so much as returned a birthday card handmade or bought. i gave him everything, because he was my little brother.
im 25.. an adult.. i dont play stupid games. but this nasty little fucker whos 18 and wont even get a job to help pay for himself..or no education, nothing has turned against me becuase i said i couldnt pay for him anymore. so now hes out to win dad, because i get annopyed that hes bleeding of dad now and im a threat to him because i keep telling dad 'not too..and to make him pay rent..like i have to..he gives nothing!'
we just came back from japan seeing Gackt..i payed for him and me and everything else in japan for 10 days.. then we wonted to go and see Miyavi around eurpoe. i said because of just coming back from Japan.. i cant afford to pay for him around europe so he needed a job to help a little bit!
yes yes he said...and still never bothered..tthinking i could do it as always. i couldnt afford to take him and i went.. he never thought i would.. as id never left him before. but i was starting to get fed up with being leached off of. he quit school in year 9 and has done nothing since.

from that day i stopped his free money flow from me, because i cant keep paying his selfish 'money bleeding' life anymore. i have bills and debts and i cant keep doing it!
and from then on we fell out. live in the same house (which hes trying his best to get me out with pathetic childish games to make dad angry at me.. life hiding dads things in my room ect) but we DONT GET ON OR LIKE EACH OTHER.
I played bass for him, but hes like hitler, and hes got no attitude to teach anybody. no patience, no understanding, he just screams and foams at the mouth getting angry cos you didnt do it perfect first time around.
hes arrogant and mean in real life. but 'cupcake' words online and anyones fooled..all girls are fooled by his facebook photographs and like him for his looks.
so good luck. but as soon as you take away what he wants 'money / attention / your amazement at his 'talent'.. then he'll switch to a very sinister personality. believe me. the best that will happen is that he'll ignore you and not bother to return your emails, so many of our old friends hes done it too.
hes gone through more guitarists than i can count and replaced some without telling them, with others while theyve still been working for him. just never told them and moved on.
he let my cats starve for over a week when i went to see miyavi this september in punishment for not taking him. they were in a frenzy to see me when i got home.
hes 18 but when i called the police out because dad had to pull him off me, they said "hes emotionally immatiture and to think of him as a few years younger".

ok i thought '16?' but he acts like a 9 year old with his nasty little games.
he hides my things " saying 'sniff it out dog..sniff it out' ect.

i dont know any of his online friends to abuse them. he goes through friends like a train at platforms.. and the friends we share dont get involved...or get fed up completely.

im only here because im reporting to psc that hes going to reproduce their hard made music.

if you wanna stay friends with him, goodluck.
i could write you many pages on all the nasty things hes done, said ect.
but the truth of it is.. he stopped getting free money from me..and didnt like it.


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