
May 29, 2007 09:05

Hm... I admit the man has a prickly personality, most in keeping with his title of Rose. Yes, he is prone to fits of noisiness, and is both pushy and demanding. My observations of his interactions with others has shown that he also tends to try to act superior.

And, yet, my gut instincts tell me that there's more here than he lets on. He turns flustered and quiet when one flirts offers him kind words. That is not the way of an egomaniac at all.

Dist the Rose, you seem an intriguing character in this story we're all caught up in. I admit here where it cannot be seen to toying with you, but you have piqued my curiosity. If given the chance, I think I might take a peek at the memories hidden in your heart.

Well, this fiasco with the mechanical beasties has proven most interesting. But I think that I would rather round them up and return them to their rightful owner. Any of your creatures that I can catch, I shall return to you, [Screened to Dist]beautiful rose[/screened].

Sora, I am seeking permission from our kind keepers to create for you a "keyblade." If such permission is given, then I will begin crafting it for you straightaway. [Private]Of course, it will need to be tested first, but I have someone in mind for that.[/private] If we're going to be fighting a war, you will need a proper weapon of some sort, after all.

keyblade, private, sora, robots, dist, entry

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