Motion exchange master list

Apr 21, 2009 14:01

Thanks to everyone -- artists, writers, readers and reviewers -- for a fantastic fest! Together, you made our first round at takingitinturns a big success. ♥

If you've been following the community, you know that we've been lucky enough to have a whole bunch of fantastic Harry/Ginny artwork and fiction to enjoy over the last couple of months. To be precise, there were 7 gorgeous pieces of artwork and 30 wonderful stories posted in this round! (edit: a final total of 7 pieces of artwork and 35 stories were produced for this round!) And there are still a few late pieces trickling in, which should be posted in the next few days -- I'll edit them into the list as they are posted.

In the meantime, take a minute to go back and catch up on any pieces you may have missed. Without further ado, I am proud to present...

Harry and Ginny in Motion: The Master List

aggiebell90 wrote Matchmaker for shocolate
Sometimes a relationship needs a little something extra, a…push…in the right direction. Luckily for Harry and Ginny, there's someone up to the task.

almond_joyz wrote "When You Figure Out You, Come Back to Me" [ part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six] for ithinkiamlost
Accrued vacation time, an injury and two people who never really got over each other make for an interesting scenario.

antoshevu wrote Fortune for elysianflowers
He wanted the best for his daughter. He wanted her to have the wedding of her dreams-he knew that, once the Scamander boy had taken Lily’s hand from his, she would be Harry’s little girl no more. So never mind that Stonehenge hadn’t been the kids’ idea, but Harry’s-he wanted the best. Cost a fortune? He was supposed to have the bloody fortune to spend!

athread wrote By Now for tosca1390
It has been a few months, she thinks, since the Battle. She can't be sure.

carrickorourke wrote Chasing Away the Snorkelaps for cyyt
Ginny's seventeenth birthday just did not go as planned. For anybody.

cibjasfad wrote A Face with a View for antoshevu
Harry has always had a face I can read.

cyyt wrote A Happily Ever After for ladysugarquill
Ever since Ginny lay her eyes on the Boy-Who-Lived, she knew he was the one. But then, would he ever return her feelings?

danfan74 wrote Discoveries for dragyn_42
Harry discovers more than just old-fashioned fun on a snowy day.

deadwoodpecker wrote "Nightflying" [ part one - part two] for danfan74
Sometimes, people are more easily seen in the dark of night. It's an AU, although pretty much everything in HBP and DH happened except for H/G's romance.

dragyn_42 wrote Best Vacation Ever for sunshine1112
Vacation and Quidditch, what could be better?

elysianflowers wrote Easter Wings for lyras
How Harry and Ginny started talking again.

fireworkfiasco wrote for A Proper Misunderstanding for loony4lupin
The tension in the pub feels like it’s doubled since Harry skulked up to the table, and Ginny glances up at him with narrowed eyes before pushing away from the table with an annoyed sigh. “Dean, I’m going to get another pint. Be a dear and save my seat, will you?”

gbtso wrote Split Second for aggiebell90
Harry and Ginny's future stretches out in front of them: are they adult enough to handle the twists and turns of life?

glockgal drew Swept Off Her Feet for ladywhizbee
ART: ladywhizbee used the quote 'Get swept away by love' in her request form and also asked for sunset, Quidditch and romance.

i_autumnheart drew Moving On Out for teenage_hustler
The war is over, and Harry is ready to move on with the rest of his life. His plans are a little fuzzy yet, but one thing he's sure about is that he'll never live at Privet Drive again. Before the Dursleys return from hiding, he drops by for the last time to collect the few things he left behind. Ginny accompanies him, and the sad reality of Harry's childhood hits home to her in a way that just knowing about it hadn't. She can't change the past, but she can help Harry to move on by giving him a rather happier memory of what can be managed with a cupboard under the stairs...

iluvfanfics wrote The Leg Man for luvscharlie
Harry develops an obsession involving Ginny, heels and the broom shed.

irislock wrote "Falling Slowly" [ part one - part two - part three - part four - part five] for i_autumnheart
The laws of motion wreak havoc in Ginny's life.

ithinkiamlost drew Throes of Passion for paukenfrau
ART: Made for paukenfrau, who wanted "sexy artwork. Requested elements included: Harry and Ginny in the throes of passion -- preferably with Harry, erm, pleasuring Ginny. :D"

itsbeenvery drew Untitled for tomscribble
ART: Harry and Ginny set out for a cycling adventure!

kentish_queen wrote How Proud? for iluvfanfics
This was not how Ginny pictured this particular night in her career.

ladychi wrote Moving Forward for deadwoodpecker
After a rough day at work, Harry needs Ginny to remind him why he keeps moving forward.

ladysugarquill drew Wrong Turn for irislock
ART: This is why you should always concentrate before Apparating...

ladywhizbee wrote The Knowing for carrickorourke
The air blankets Ginny even more warmly here--musty and still with sleep. If she listens hard, she can hear the sounds of sleep-even breathing just on the other side of the walls. It must be two in the morning, at least. Involuntarily, her eyes gaze at the stairwell leading up to Ron’s room and she wonders…dares…should she?

littlesinner drew Creation for savepureness
ART: I thought I will draw her when she comes home after work and take a pregnancy test spell, that turns out positive. She's happy and sad (for she have to leave her job. Note the tear). Harry comes behind her and strokes her belly (this is for the motion element).

loony4lupin wrote Home for cibjasfad
Harry's had a pretty bad day and he's finally going home.

lunalovepotter wrote Just to See Her for almond_joyz
It was funny how the world changed the morning after they first had sex.

luvscharlie wrote Not Touching You for margaret67
Harry and Ginny enjoy a night without their children, after a very hectic day with them.

lyras wrote Pilgrimage for parakletos
After the battle at Hogwarts, Harry has places to visit and ghosts to exorcise. This time, Ginny is at his side.

margaret67 wrote Their Daring, Nerve, and Chivalry Set Gryffindors Apart for lunalovepotter
Ginny is playing her final game of Quidditch for Gryffindor and so the entire Weasley family, plus Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood decide to go cheer her on.

midnight_birth wrote A Rocky Road for littlesinner
Harry and Ginny finally decide to concentrate less on their careers and give a relationship a chance. When Harry is sent on an Auror assignment to France, Ginny decides to join him and make a vacation out of it. But Harry’s job is far from a holiday, and when tensions run high and work comes first, the relationship is put into question.

parakletos wrote Of This Cup for pocketfullof
When you no longer have to fight the monsters in front of you, how do you fight the ones inside you? Sometimes the road ahead is very troubled and very dark especially when the one you’ve asked to share it with you doesn’t really understand what’s going on.

paukenfrau wrote "Fear of Flying" [ part one - part two - part three] for kentish_queen
Ginny’s reluctance to move their relationship forward causes Harry to suspect the worst.

pluschi wrote "Pain, Pieces, Promises" [ part one - part two - part three] for fireworkfiasco
After the battle, Harry and Ginny find solace in the likeliest of places.

pocketfullof wrote This Space is a Gallery of You and Me for r_becca
Harry gets a hobby.

r_becca wrote The Thrill of the Chase for midnight-birth
All Harry wants is a chance to get Ginny back... but first, they'll have to escape the paparazzi.

shocolate wrote What the Eye Doesn't See for itsbeenvery
You asked for Harry or Ginny losing their shit over quickly-approaching deadlines and then went all poetic on me and said : for inspiration: If I can't see it, it doesn't exist.

snuggle-muggle wrote All the Gory Details for athread
Neither of them can seem to talk about what happened. But something's got to give.

stmargarets wrote Far From the Maddening Crowd for glockgal
Harry and Ginny get away from it all - eventually.

sunshine1112 wrote Flights and Challenges for gbtso
The weasley family receive plane tickets to visit Charlie.

teenage_hustler wrote "What Are You Afraid Of?" [ part one - part two] for biggrstaffbunch
OK, maybe I’m a little bit obsessed, but that’s normal, right? I mean, some people would think it a bit strange that I can’t stop thinking about him, ever, but that’s normal when you’re in love, right? It’s not whether or not it’s normal that bothers me; it’s the fact that it’s unrequited that makes me the singular most pathetic living creature on the planet.

tomscribble drew Charming the Weather for stmargarets
ART: Harry and Ginny on a walk, sometime after Deathly Hallows.

tosca1390 wrote Adventures on the Knight Bus for ladychi
For Ginny, moving in with Harry wasn't necessarily perfect.

note: the following people signed up to participate but did not fulfill their assignments: biggrstaffbunch and savepureness. They will not be eligible to participate in future rounds until they complete and post their assigned stories from this round.

Authors and artists, you may now post your work wherever you like. :) Special thanks to fireworkfiasco, who filled in while I was on vacation and helped get your stories moderated in a timely fashion. Thanks also to pinch-hitters snuggle-muggle and pluschi, who've earned my eternal gratitude.

And in case you're wondering: yes, we're definitely doing this again! <3!

mod post, masterlist, fest:in motion

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