Aug 19, 2005 13:08
my parents drove zoe, denis, and i to new york yesterday.
we walked with my parents, then we were like "screw this let's leave" so we left them, and we walked all the way back to 42nd street from 29th street. we took the subway all the way to central park.
we walked right into central park, and there was a man who was all "are you guys looking for tickets to deathcab?" and we're like "WTF YES" hes like "$40" we're like "nahhh," hes like "fine $35" which was how much they actually costed (sold out show) we're like "well we'll come back if we do get them."
we walked straight, and i stop. and i hear the stars practicing, and i'm all "AasdfghJL"
we were right in back of the stage watching them practice, then we left, and we saw the line for getting in, and we're like "WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY IF WE CAN JUST SIT OUTSIDE AND LISTEN FOR FREE?"
so we sat on a very large rock with a bunch of people, and the stars started to play and i was like "this is great." and then decemberists and im like ":)" and then we're hungry so we called my dad and they brought us chinese food to the rock, deathcab for cutie started to play right when we got our chinese food, and it was basically heaven. the concert endded we got to our car and left.
it was basically a really good day.
now zoe and i are waiting for PAT TO GET HERE.