hello everyone...this weekend i chilled with my girls minus kaytay :-( the whole weekend and sarahs camera got a lot of use...so heres some...okay understatement...A TON. hahah
okeydokes heres why there is a bagillion pics of me and laura-sarah and maddy and jessa were playin a board game...and me and laura didnt wanna so there you go! thats our excuse for sexy pics...hahahah I LOVE YOU LAURA!!! AWESOME TIMES!
this was in the comp room before our bagillion picture photo shoot lol
haha laura looks high and i look quite frightend
now i kinda look high..lol and laura just looks funny. haha
hahah oo laura is sexy...and i am somewhat worried? sure. lol
oh no im very sad and cryish...lol and laura looks like she has a hunger or like a murder plan...hahahah
haha we were trying to take a serious model pic but we started laughin and i look like a retard...oh well! :D
i duno if im yawning or what but yea...and laura..oh no...scary stuff. haha
haha we tried a BILLION times to get this one...we kept laughing when the timer was done hahah but this one finally worked :D so the next couple are us trying to be serious lol i know they are nothing close hahah
hahah we just love to laugh! :D
lauras starting to burst out into laughter..hahah thats an awesome face..on the verge of laughing
heres me laughing...woo lol
this is another ALMOST sucessful serious one...lauras pretty much smiling..but shes close :D
we are disappointed in you! :D
hahaha lauras gonna eat you...watch your back ...and im elvis what now! hahah
laura looks like some sort of buuurd...haha and kt thinks my tongue doesnt look like a tongue...like its not attached or something...but im pretty sure it was...lol
look at lauras face....hahah
now i look like laura from the last one...haha i hate this one..lol but laura looks depressed..haah
this is us reading something sad...not really but yeah lol
im pouting...lauras...hmm i duno..lol
i kinda look like i just got shot...hahah maybe by laura...lol stabbed..or something haha
lookin to opposite corners..wooo
laura and her tongue...haha she kinda looks like a retard and im like yeah well what can ya do...lol
this is our cousin it pic...hot huh?
yea you try blowing kisses and laughin at the same time...im sure youd look like a retard too hahah
big teethy smiles!hahahh
haha interesting...lol
hahaha oh wow...im angry and lauras pretty hopeless looking
ok i was trying to do a peace sign but it got cut out ...so we did it again...laura looks like shes drunk hah
theres my whole peace and half face...and laura looks cute in this one..i like it
again...my finger didnt work out so we took another...laura looks amazed! :D
hahahah this is sooo awesome...laura looks like she is going to totally attack and consume my entire finger...lol wow
ok so thats all...you are probably sick of our faces anyway...hahah there would have been more so just call yourself lucky that sarahs memory card was full...hahah we had fun...I LOVE YOU LAURA!!! YOU ROCK MY WORLD!
so yeah i havent hung out with sam in forever... :( way uncool...i know i get to see him everyday at school but that isnt enough...i miss him.
ummerz..i have to go clean up the mess from our sleepover 2 nights ago so i shall update more later and ill put pics of all us girls from the weekend! i know you cant wait!
i love sam