Nov 15, 2004 19:13
lol the cops were just at my i guess my brother and his friends were at sandpoint and someone burned down this little shack so they boarded it up...then my brother took this piece of plywood and moved it by some rocks so they could use it to skate on and the cops drove by...then they dumbasses...then the cops came to my house and said they thought they took the board off the shack and so that would be vandalism and then they said it would be theft cause they were "taking" haha wow so yea that was interesting...other than that today was pretty to see samuel tho so thats always good :D i have sooo much homework...i should probably do it...but yea...i babysat was pretty boring today...its usually ok cause either kt is with or montel is a good one...but neither of those occured...therefore it was aerobics was way and laura frocklicked and wizard-of-oz-skipped! woooo it was great fun...then kaytay walked and waltzed with us too!!! yaahoo!sarah and maddy have a rockin mix for aerobics! chea! lol that was the funnest...except that was our last work day *tear* i am saddend by this factoid! so love, kaytay just got on! gonna be done cause i gotta do some hw! laters!
i love sam more than anyfuckingthing else...hes just so perfect.
the truth is you could slit my throat.and with my one last gasping breath id apologize for bleeding on your shirt.