Popple sure does a huge amount of things, so here will be listed everything he has done in Discedo.
Seventh: Arrives in Discedo, Makes Homestar Runner his rookie.
Eighth: Gets named... Not-Marisa...?
Twelth: Moves into Marshall m102, Makes enemies with Seguchi Tohma.
Fifteenth: Falls for Sakuma Ryuichi's prank (A rope pulling him up) but is lowered down by Lucrecia Crescent.
Sixteenth: Watches a demonstration of Patchouli's magic.
Nineteenth: Steals Tohma's synthesizer but is stopped by Hiwatari Kai, but the synthesizer gets broken by Homestar.
Twenty-third: Angers Tohma by threatening Eiri and gets killed by Reiji (Sent by Tohma)
Twenty-sixth: Is revived by scientists, Throws plant at Kumagoro (Ryuichi's doll) and ruins it.
Popple also has it in for plenty of people, and would like to get his revenge on all of them. Be sure to check if you're on this list, cause I may be planning a plot with you.
Revenge List:
(Intensity of red shows hatred)
Sakuma Ryuichi
Hiwatari Kai
Patchouli Knowledge
Yuki Eiri