We mustn't dwell... no, not today. We can't. Not on Felicia Day day!

Jan 27, 2010 09:38

In honor of whedonland's Felicia Day Day, I started to put together a mini-spam ... it spiraled.

"I like breaking the common patterns of behavior..."

"There’s no artifice. I am who I am, except I swear less on Twitter"

"Being the kind of girl who is stereotyped as the secretary - or I’ve played a crazy cat lady five times, which is fine because I do that very well
- but at a certain point you’re like, 'I am more than this.' That’s why I wrote Codex."

"I have a little obsessive-compulsive personality. You can tell because I played online games for eight hours a day."

“We showed [Dr. Horrible] at CAA, and their own Internet people didn’t know what to do.
But we have Felicia Day. She knows more about the internet than anyone.” - Joss Whedon

Maurissa Tancharoen: That's Felicia Day, a person we love very much.
Jed Whedon: Yes.

M: She's kind of homely.
J: Gross is another word.
M: We're kidding. We're so kidding. Clearly. We put her in everything we ever do.

"You do read some forum threads. They don’t know that I’m reading.
People think that they have the anonymity of the internet, but with Felicia Day, who has every resource and is a little bit of an internet addict ...
I will read what you write about me. Sometimes it wounds and sometimes I’m complimented.
It always keeps me humble."

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