i dont know

Sep 17, 2004 12:12

for some reason.. im miserable here. I dont really know why, i dont particurally not like anything about emerson.. (well scratch that i hate the strictness of their rules), but even though ive made a couple good friends and most of my classes are decent and this school would be benificial to my career no doubt.. im constantly thinking about places i could transfer.. I mean what's wrong with me.. im in boston, my dorm room isnt that bad, i have total freedom to do what i want... and yet i can't wait to maybe go home this weekend. It's not so much that i miss my parents, because i dont miss their nagging, but i just miss my own bed, my old friends, being in high school.. and part of it is just that this isn't what i thought college was like. I've come to realize that emerson is not your typical college. Some peoeple are really cool, and some are just snobs. Some say this feeling goes away in time.. that'd be nice.

should i of gone to savannah? i just keep thinking of the people i would of met if i had gone, and now i never will. I know it's not good to think like that but i just cant help it. I think i want to maybe apply to a different school in boston, like BU maybe? Or maybe something in florioda, or cali, at least a school that has film. Who's to say id like that any better though? Do i definatly want ot take film, im not denying that i love it, but is it where i want my life to go? Struggling to be in the 10% that makes it. I'm not gonna mention the fact that i didnt do any homework in highschool, and like a continuous hour feels like a lot for me, when i have multiple more on the way.

oh well, i just hate this feeling of not knowing what to do. everyone else seems to be loving it.

on a brighter note i saw garden state yesterday, it had some of the best lines i've ever heard in a movie.
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