
Apr 06, 2006 07:56

I am confused. The other day I was texting my Ex Josh. He had wnet to Oragan to visit his family. Well What was confusing about it was the way he was texting me, What he said. It was as if we never broke up. I know he said that he just needed a break and all and part of me is hoping that him being in Oragan helped clear up his head. Yet part of me does not want to getmy hopes up to high.

Another thing which I find kinda funny but I think Fates just teasing me. I went to eat at a Taco Bell and the guy behind the register was talking about a coustomer that came in and ordered $20.00 worht of buritos. He only to 3 the rest he gave to his wife. I had to laugh at that cause I can imagin the size of this guys wife and putting away a lot of buritos.

That not the strange part the strange part was the guy behind the register. He's name was Josh and happened to like Warcraft. So I did the only thing I knew how. I gave him my Email. Then I went back yesterday and gave him a note with my Number and email again.

I know you all are thinking its just me trying to cling onto something that may remind me of my Ex but I think it just nothing at all and that maybe this guy and I are ment to be good friends.
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