My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
new_snopess a-laying.11
explodingdogrsss a-commenting.10
kage_ryus a-sulking.9
crazyvioletchics a-wailing.8
boingboing_nets a-gyrating.7
tsuchi_09s a-galloping.6
mangofandangos a-hooting.5 yellow
deanforamericas.4 posting
specialkais.3 Haitian
memepools.2 bull
kage_ryus.And a
bindusara in a apricot tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
To tell the Truth i real am lonely. I see my Friend with her BF and I'm happy for her but the guy keeps Texting me cause Im the only way he can talk to her. But all the time 24/7 (almost) Its always "I Miss her" I wanna shoot him or just make him give me 50.00 every time he says that.
I know he misses Her, and she misses him but damn it I don't need to hear it. I can miss her just as much as he can but it drives me crazy because it’s getting annoying.
If He text me one more time saying that I think I will snap on him and tell him to just stop cause I know it. They’re like separated for one day and he whines like a little dog. I some time feel he only misses touching her. From what I heard he’s one of those guys that can't help it. I'll help it if I have too. I'll cut his hands off. My friend wants to take it slow and he is going way to fast.
Hell from what I hear every girl that dumped him went Lez. I can tell you why. Because he was going to fast. They propley used it as a excuse just to get him to go away.
Im happy for the two of them I really am but I see my brother with his Girl Friend and they dont pine over each other and mope around the house saying. "I miss her." No they move on with there day to day lives. They go to work and school and when they see each other its all cool. This guy is just ...ohhh I don't know I guess Im just frustrated that I'm still single, May be I should go to Texas.... Just so I won't feel this empty inside.
But there's school starting January 16 yet the guy is leaving that same day for training in CA which is good cause it gives them time to think and well acutely put some space between them. (What is like 12-14 states.) I'm broke, Jobless, alone, but I really just want some one right now. I hope to get a job and save up to go to Texas for the next con thats coming up. I think it is in Austin I'm not sure. I just want things to go right for me for once. I want all my fantasy fulfilled and it seems the Answer lies in Texas. ^_~
Yes you, everything about you is what I have always looked for in a guy. For once I think I may have found some one perfect for me. I don't want to let it go but i have no way to get there and I'm just starting collage. I'm sure I'll figure something out. Maybe if I can save up money I can fly to Texas before Christmas I really want to see you. I just wish I knew how to get there.
Question is are you willing to wait? I know a lot of people that don't like waiting but would you. Will you be willing to wait, For once I want a long distance relationship to work and I work hard to achieve it. Maybe I can switch to a collage over there. I don't know. All I know is I'm alone and tired of feeling so empty inside.