To Protect the Balance. Chapter 3: "Shattered Balance"

Feb 25, 2010 13:12

And moving right along (Wooo that bunny is Smokin'!!!)  I give you the next chaper.  Hope you are enjoying it, I know Skippy is.  He told me he is, and I always listen to what he says :)

The next chapter will probably be ready tomorrow.  Just depends on when my lovely Beta can smack me around with her wisdom and brainy word stuff.  That and its a LONG chapter.  We are working to try and find a logical place to maybe split it, but so far it just we can't agree, so... you may end up getting a chapter thats 4 times as long as some of the others.  I asked Skippy but he ain't sayin.  Sigh, he can be a real brat sometimes.

Title: To Protect the Balance
Author: takhenGenre: Avatar (2009)
Genre: Avatar (2009)
Pairings: OCxOC, JakexNeytiri
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I created this story from the inspiration received seeing James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’.  It is solely intended for my enjoyment and shared with others to satisfy their curiosity.  It is not to be marketed or posted without express permission.  No profit will be gained from these pages.
Warnings: Slash M/M, OC, Char Death (Not Mains), Xeno, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, and what nots.  Just covering the bases here.Oh and in the future (blush) Sex.
Summary: Neytiri::  “Our Great Mother does not take sides. She protects only the balance of life”.  In the days following the war the losses to the Na'vi had yet to be felt. The balance was destroyed and the lives of everyone would never be the same.  Drawn into this uncertain future two young men, one Na’vi, the other Human are brought together to discover that they are not so different after all.  Pain, suffering and loss are the great equalizer.  Can they heal the wounds that each carry, and in learning  can they heals the wounds of a world?  Will they find the strength and courage to stand and be counted despite deep seeded fears and mistrust?  Even with the help of Ewya can they learn then teach others how to protect the balance of life?

Author’s Note:   The Section/Chapter named 'Chapter Reference Guide' will contain a complete set of all Na'vi to English translations Reference material notes and explanations of all terms used.  The specific points for individual chapters are always found at the end.  This 'Reference Guide' is to aid the reader if they come across a word or term that is unfamiliar.  Instead of having to look at the end of each chapter there are placed here for easy reference.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have come to enjoy my first writing attempt.  Feedback and ConCrit is always welcome.

Chapter 3
Shattered Balance

Mo'at watched Jakesully fall through the air to land on the back of his Toruk(1) as the wing on the great metal flying machine suddenly burst into flame, tilted and then crashed into the great stone arch entrance to the valley that held the Vitraya Ramunong(2).  Even though there was a good distance from the Tree to the Stone arch the sound was deafening.  The flying machine seemed to hang in the air for a moment and then like a dying fish rolled belly up and slammed into the ground.  Mo'at felt moment of panic as a huge ball of fire rose into the air, temporarily blinding her.  She squeezed her eyes tight, tears running down her cheeks, she blinked a few times as her sight returned.

A cry went up from those that had stayed behind with her while the warriors from the clans that had gathered went out to fight for the very soul of the Omaticaya (3).  Following their eyes, she watched as Jakesully again jumped off of the great Toruk onto the back of the other great flying machine, the Dra’gon she remembered Jake calling it.  Suddenly it tipped to the side and her heart rose into her throat as she saw Jake start to fall.  His Toruk too far away, she feared that he would fall to the earth seriously hurting or possibly killing himself.  She sent a plea to  Ewya to protect him.

Holding her breath, she saw him grab onto the side and struggle to pull himself back up onto the Dra’gon.  It was hard to see exactly what was happening, as he was so far away.  Another ball of fire erupted into the sky from the side of the machine and a few moments later, she watched as he fell to the ground.  As he fell the air was lit by another massive ball of fire as the sky people machine plummeted to the ground.  Mo'at's hand lifted to her mouth and she felt a moment of utter despair.  They had lost so many with the destruction of Kelutrel(4), and only Ewya knew how many more would die before this dark day was done.

The Omaticaya could not afford to lose Toruk-Makto(5). Without his presence she feared that her people would not only lose heart but the will to fight as well.  Too many had died at the hands of the Tawtute(4).  Too many important positions within the clan now had no one to fill them.  In normal times if disaster struck she could reach out to one of the other clans, appealing to them to send someone with the needed skills.  Someone who would leave their own clan and was willing to join the Omaticaya people.  Someone who could fill the void left by the untimely death.  After today and the huge loss of life, she knew that those clans would also lose individuals important to them.  People they also could not afford to lose, and it was doubtful that they could send someone from their clans to take up the positions needed within hers.

It was the Na'vi way for one clan to help another if they had no one to fill a needed position or if they were too many or too few men or women in individual clans for mating.  She had lost her mate, Eytucan, and with his death as clan their leader Tsu’tey was forced to become Olo’eyctan(6) at too a young an age.  Tsu'tey was a strong and fearless warrior, but he had not yet learned all he needed to lead the people.  He was still too headstrong, still too ruled by his emotions to think with his head.  Given time, she was sure he would make a very good leader for the people.

Her daughter, Neytiri had not been injured in the destruction of Home Tree, and for that Mo'at was eternally grateful.  She had been very worried about her when they had believed that Jakesully had betrayed them.  Mo'at feared she would not be able to handle both the stress of losing their home and losing her life mate.  After her shock at seeing the great Toruk descending out of the sky being ridden by Jakesully, realizing that they had been wrong and that Ewya truly had touched him, her heart was lighter.  Toruk Makto had brought hope when all there was despair.

Sadly, they had lost so many other people who were essential to clan life.  Mo’at closed her eyes and could see each face clearly.  Many of them she had watched grow from child to adult, passing the trials and taking their place among the people.  Each one special in their own right, however there were some whose loss would be felt more than others.  Jago'ji, the clans Ol’Karyusi Fpi oe’tirolaen(7) was a loss almost too much to bear.  Their Clan history, the Songs of those deeds, the lessons learned… gone.  The history of the Na’vi from the time of the first songs would not be taught to the young until a new Ol’Karyusi(8) could be chosen and trained.

Mo'at looked at the other clan leaders around her, grateful beyond belief for their support.  The me’Tshiak(9) from each of the clans spoke quietly together, the stress of the situation clear on each face while around them deep in Tsaheylu(10) with Ewya the Ay'Ol' Karyusi listened to not only the voices of the ancestors, but the voice of Ewya and to some extent the voices of the Na'vi fighting beyond their sight.  Again her heart broke a little more as she thought of all those that had died and those currently risking their lives for the Omaticaya.

Suddenly she heard a heart rending cry from behind her and saw Sänume the Tsahik of the Olo’ Pa’li(11) Clan rush to catch a young man as he violently broke the bond then collapsed.  The man, barely out of childhood was curled in upon himself, tears streaming down his face, mouth open but with no sound coming out after that first wail of grief.  Mo’at ran to their side.

“Sänume, what has happened?”
The younger Tsahik looked up at Mo’at. “I am not sure, and I fear what it might be.” 
Sänume held the young man rocking him gently while rubbing comforting circles on his back.
“Ne’vanya.  Child what is wrong”.
 The young man continued to cry with a ferocity that Mo’at had rarely seen.  She knew grief, but this seemed to go beyond any sadness she had known.  Worried she looked to Sänume. 
“Is there anything I can do?”
 “Not at the moment.  I need to try and calm him down, but thank you”. The other woman answered.
“We have calming herbs if you need them.  They are strong, and there is enough to put him to sleep if it is needed”. Mo’at said.  Sänume looked up grateful and was about to agree when Ne’vanya Shouted out a single name;
He stood and ran from the Tree towards the entrance to the valley.  Sänume seemed to almost collapse in on herself and Mo’at caught her before she folded to the ground.

Mo’at started to call to one of the Warriors that had been left to guard them, planning on telling him to catch the grief-stricken boy and bring him back when Sänume placed her hand on her arm and shook her head.

“Let him go” she said in a broken voice barely above a whisper.  “He has lost half his soul”.
 Mo’at looked in her eyes and saw a depth of sorrow and horror that was chilling. 
“Half his soul?  I.. I do not understand” she said in a whisper.  The term was not one she was familiar with. 
“His mate?” she asked. 
Sänume shook her head and said with tears streaming down her face.  “His Pa arikoe’ (12)”.

(1) Toruk: The Great Leonopteryx (Na'vi name: Toruk meaning "Last Shadow"). The  Apex winged hunter on Pandora.
(2) Vitraya Ramunong:  Tree of Souls.
(3) Omaticaya: People of the Blue Flute.  Na’vi Tribe central to Avatar
(4) Toruk-Makto: Rider of the Toruk, also called Rider of Last Shadow.  The Toruk is also called The Great Leonopteryx by humans.  Toruk translates as Last Shadow.  It is the apex aerial hunter.
(5) Tawtute: Home Tree
(6) Olo’eyctan: Clan Leader
(7) Ol’ Karyusi  Fpi oe’tirolaen: Singer of the Past.  Clan Historian
(8) Ol’ Karyusi, Ay'Ol' Karyusi (plural) : Short Form of Ol’ Karyusi  Fpi oe’tirolaen translates as just Singer. (Ol’ Karyus’en ( - ‘en Masculine. - é.  Feminine.   Ol’ Karyusi - i, Non-gender Singular)
(9) Tsahik : The one who interprets the will of Ewya. me’Tshiak:  Plural of Tsahik
(10) Tsaheylu. The Bond. Takes place when two creatures of Pandora make a neural connection with the Queue
(11) Olo’ Pa’li:  Horse Clan of the Plains
(12) Pa arik: Twin.  Translates as Half Soul. Pa arikoe’ (-oe’ Masculine Gender).  me’Pa arik (Plural)


balance, slash, fic, avatar, m/m, takhen, na'vi
