To Protect the Balance: Chapter 2 "Tristan"

Feb 18, 2010 23:37

Hi all!! Yup its still me (checks Drivers License).  Yup *BIG GRIN*

More words to feed your minds, and more to empty out of mine.  It gets crowded in there ya know.

Title: To Protect the Balance
Author: takhen
Genre: Avatar (2009)
Pairings: OCxOC, JakexNeytiri
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I created this story from the inspiration received seeing James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’.  It is solely intended for my enjoyment and shared with others to satisfy their curiosity.  It is not to be marketed or posted without express permission.  No profit will be gained from these pages.
Warnings: Slash M/M, OC, Char Death (Not Mains), Xeno, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, and what nots.  Just covering the bases here.Oh and in the future (blush) Sex.
Summary: Neytiri::  “Our Great Mother does not take sides. She protects only the balance of life”.  In the days following the war the losses to the Na'vi had yet to be felt. The balance was destroyed and the lives of everyone would never be the same.  Drawn into this uncertain future two young men, one Na’vi, the other Human are brought together to discover that they are not so different after all.  Pain, suffering and loss are the great equalizer.  Can they heal the wounds that each carry, and in learning  can they heals the wounds of a world?  Will they find the strength and courage to stand and be counted despite deep seeded fears and mistrust?  Even with the help of Eywa can they learn then teach others how to protect the balance of life?

Author’s Note:   The Section/Chapter named 'Chapter Reference Guide' will contain a complete set of all Na'vi to English translations Reference material notes and explanations of all terms used.  The specific points for individual chapters are always found at the end.  This 'Reference Guide' is to aid the reader if they come across a word or term that is unfamiliar.  Instead of having to look at the end of each chapter there are placed here for easy reference.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have come to enjoy my first writing attempt.  Feedback and ConCrit is always welcome.


In the days following the destruction of Home Tree, and the war for the Tree of Souls the losses to the Na'vi people had yet to be felt. The balance was destroyed and the lives of Omaticaya and those humans chosen to stay would never be the same.

It would take two young men from very different worlds, both soul sick, broken and wounded in heart to restore the balance.

Chapter 2

Pain!  I don't think I've ever felt such pain.  It was a living thing clawing at me.  The last thing I remembered was, frantically searching the ground for my brother, telling myself over and over that I would find him.  I HAD to find Vernon! He HAD to be alive!  Scared I wouldn't find him in time, or God forbid dead or at all, I was not paying attention to anything else.  Completely focused on the dense jungle below, single-mindedly looking through the window of Selfridges’ modified personal shuttle, I was flying as low over the massive trees as I could get.  Scared if I even blinked I would miss some telltale sign.  A gleam of metal, a flash of pale skin, blonde hair.. anything that might give me hope of finding him.

Out of the corner of my eye something caught my attention.  Two Banshees coming at me, from out of the bright light of Polyphemus, the gas giant that Pandora orbited around.  I was so concentrated on trying to see through the vast vegetation searching for any movement, any possible indication of the A.M.P(1) that Vernon had been wearing during the attack that I didn't look up until it was too late.    I slammed the control stick hard trying to avoid them, but there wasn’t enough time.  They came at me faster than I thought possible.  Time seemed to stand still then everything sped up and the massive flying lizards slammed into the shuttle, one striking it head on, the other somewhere on the right where the two sets of dual flight blades were mounted.  The sound of one of those huge bodies smashing into the poly glass windows was deafening.  Then one of the Banshees gave an agonizing screech and the sound of metal twisting and buckling assaulted my ears.  The Shuttle suddenly listed to the right and then plunged down through the trees making a noise like a thousand screeching voices crying out in protest.  I was thrown forward in my seat, my head impacting on the control panel, bright stars flashed behind my eyes, and then... darkness.

I awoke to the smell of smoke and a sickening smell of burning plastic.  Disoriented, I had no idea where I was, and it took me a minute to piece together what had happened.  The Banshees had brought the shuttle down!  It was a miracle that I was still alive, the poly glass window had cracked, but not shattered, if it had I would've been dead.  Pandora’s atmosphere killing me.  The way I felt I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

I had no idea how long I had been unconscious.  Looking at the myriad of cracks in the Poly-Glass window, I remembered I wasn’t wearing an Eco-Mask (I had taken it off as it was blocking my ability to see), I started to panic. I struggled frantically at the seat restraints managing to find the free myself.  The body of the Banshee that has struck me head on was resting against the window. My biggest fear at that moment was that the weight would cause the spider web of cracks running all through the Poly-Glass to shatter and Pandora's atmosphere would finish the job that the Banshees started.

I finally managed to free myself and searched frantically for the emergency sealant, praying I could find it before the glass finally gave way under the stress.  I looked around and spotted the can of the poly resin spray on the bulkhead to the left of me. I breathed a sigh of relief and applied it to the window.  Hoping it was not too late, hoping that it was strong enough to hold.  So far, the atmosphere breach warning was not blaring through the cockpit.  I hoped that it was because there was no leak and not that the warning system itself was damaged.  The air smelled fine, as fine as any recirculated air could.  I didn't smell any of the gases from Pandora's atmosphere seeping into the cabin.

I sat there for a few minutes trying to gather my wits trying to figure out what I needed to do.  Shaking my head my mind started to clear.   When my brain finally kicked into gear my first coherent though was…Help!  I needed to get help.  I reached for the control panel and hit the communications switch.  “Hell's Gate Tower, this is Shuttle Selfridge One.  Can anyone hear me?”  I waited a moment but there was no reply.  Again I repeated “Hell's Gate Tower, this is Shuttle Selfridge One.  Can anyone hear me?  And still no answer.  I knew my voice was getting more and more frantic…  “Hell's Gate Tower, this is Shuttle Selfridge One.  Please come in.  Hell's Gate, is anyone there?  I need help”.  Again all I heard was silence.  On the edge of panic I sent again, “This is Tristan Davis, aboard the Shuttle Selfridge One.  I've crashed in the forest, I’m not sure where, the navigation systems not working.  Please respond!!”  Again there was only silence.  Then it hit me.  Of course the navigation system wasn't working I had forgotten all about the flux, but the flux didn't affect com systems did it?  Why wasn't anyone answering?  A terrifying thought struck me.  Had the Na'vi attacked the base?  Was anyone still alive?  I didn't really believe that the Na'vi would attack Hells Gate.  If they had, I… I didn't think I could blame them after what we had done.

I sat there shaking, my head in my hands.  I whispered “when did everything go so wrong?”  My only answer was the continuing sounds of the Shuttle settling, and the faint sounds of the forest outside.  So much of this just didn't make any sense.

(1) AMP: Amplified Mobility Platform


balance, slash, fic, avatar, m/m, takhen, na'vi
