For my Purple shaped Friend

Sep 26, 2008 22:23

jasonsnene created a wonderful community,  'Purps - a - Palooza' to say thank you to a wonderful person and to let her know just how special she has been to so many people.   I don't exactly remember how purpledodah and I started talking, but from the first it was apparent that we would be friends.  And I couldn't ask for a better one!  Through trials and adversity that would make a lesser soul crumble she just gets
stronger, and that strength she shares with everyone freely giving them the strength to deal and come out the other end better for it.  I know my life would be a much darker place without her.

So this is for you my purple shaped friend:


Except for knowing you, nothing has really changed
in my life;

The days continue their calculated rhythm, uneventful
except for the falling gold of leaves signaling the end
of the warm time,
and soon the frost flower will be making melting
lace upon my morning windows.

Yet I spend my time in secret smiles;
I can't keep the quiet inward joy from
showing on my face,

For reaching out across the miles, you touched me;
Our hearts commingled as never bodies could in
spiritual consummation of the gift of sharing
we have come to know as friendship.

And so I go about my old routine in new
anticipation of the day's sweet delight;
Impatient, yet content to wait
For the butterflies of spring.

I hope you know just how special you are!  Not to just me, but to so many.  You really have made my life better, and the world a brighter place to live in.  I will always be grateful that somehow, some way, someone brought us together.  You are an absolute joy to know and you make this world a much better place.
