Weep for the children...

Jun 11, 2008 21:35

I'm not sure how I found this Video. Or the video that led to it but all I can do is dispair when reading the amount of not only negative comments this brave young man received, but reel back in horror at the cruel and utterly inhuman people that would respond like this to a child. The heartless remarks are hurtful enough to an adult with the maturity to understand and process the hate and bile, but to subject an 10 year old to it? I just pray a spirit like his will prevail and not be broken. The sadest thing is the sheer NUMBER of hateful comments. I wish I had never come across it, but I did and will never forget.

Here is the video report that he is talking about. Watch it 1st (hope you have a strong stomach), then watch the video of this kid and his response. Read the comments and you will know why I feel such outrage and dispair for the human race. The saddest thing about the negative comments is he ASKS that if you don't agree to please not comment. For Gods sake its a child reaching out for some HOPE.

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His Response to the above Video. Remember as you watch that this is a child.:

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Here is the YouTube link with the comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_ykDHB2OOg. I hope you are as outgaged as I am, and as proud of this kid as well.  (Most of the negative comments are hidden and you need to click on show to see them.)