Nicked from
toestastegood For those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. For example, H is for Hug, Michael/Pam (The Office). In turn you'll receive a drabble/ficlet of some kind.
EDIT - Sorry this is taking so long, I've been away enjoying myself XD
Fandoms: Heroes, Supernatural, Firefly, Buffy, The Wire, Dr Horrible
A is for: Absolutism - Mylar - Heroes
toestastegood B is for: Blackmail - Luke/Lyle/Zach
itsjustc C is for:
D is for: Daughter - Noah/Nathan - Hereos
iluvbsbkevin and Daddy - Luke/Sylar - Heroes
thirdsouthobbi E is for: End - Mylar - Heroes
aurilly F is for:
G is for:
H is for:
I is for: Impersonator - Sylar/Alex - Heroes
ashedrake J is for:
K is for: Kink - Buffy/Sylar -
ofthesounds L is for: Lonely - Luke/Sylar/Lyle - Heroes
moorishflower M is for: Masochist - Mylar - Heroes
mabetini N is for:
O is for:
P is for:
Q is for:
R is for:
S is for: Side Effects - Billy/Mohinder - Dr Horrible/Heroes
speccygeekgrrl T is for:
U is for:
V is for:
W is for: Wallow - Luke/Sylar - Heroes
s8219 X is for:
Y is for:
Z is for Zoomancy - Sylar/Luke - Heroes