Okay so I'm not really pimping my graphics very well with this rush job (!) but it's for a good cause! Sweet-Charity.net are hosting another fandom auction to raise money for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. All you have to do is click on the image and look for my name in the auctions. I am auctioning :
A fic written to the prompts of your choice from the following pairings :
Heroes: Any combination of Mohinder, Sylar, Luke, Lyle, Peter, Nathan, Noah
Supernatural : Dean/Sam
Firefly : Any combination of Wash, Mal, Simon
A graphics bundle of banner, friends only banner and 20 icons from any fandom
So please go to
www.sweet-charity.net and bid, there are loads of other great auctions on there if you think I'm a talentless hack. XD