Writing Meme - This shows how bored I am

Feb 08, 2009 16:48

1. Which is your favorite fic?

I actually think it's Candy , only the second fic I ever wrote in my life but still like reading it.

2. Which is your best-received fic?

Probably Undercover, a lot of people like that one.

3. Which is your worst-received fic?

Maybe part five of Now Say Ah, no-one specifically said they didn't like it but it was very quiet on the comments side.

4. Which is your angsty-est fic?

Definitely Last Snowfall  - double character death!

5. Which is your funniest fic?

Undercover I would have thought, but Rorsach a close second.

6. Smuttiest?

Defiinitely Punch Drunk, though I've only just started writing porn really, this was my first one.

7. Fluffiest?

Hmm, difficult. Resolve has Sylar playing with puppies but it's a bit angsty. Maybe One More For The Road.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?

Apparently some people cried at Last Snowfall. I cried writing part 2 of Now Say Ah.

9. Which fic frustrates you the most?

Now Say Ah for sure. I'm writing the last chapter and it's driving me insane.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?

I had so much fun writing Undercover, but recently Mabes' irthday fic, Hit For Six. I also loved writing the domestic Mylar over Christmas.

11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?

I'm currently writing a best friend character for a High School AU Gabriel. Her, and Gabriel's Dad in the fic who's an ex-cop called..Martin! I swear to God I wrote that before episode 3.14, ask my beta LOL

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?

I don't know, I think the best received fics have been mulit-part but the most effective have been one shots.

13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?

Hmmm. Sylar probably, though he's a man of few words and it's sometimes hard to be convincing when he has to be emotional.

14. What character is the most difficult to portray?

Mohinder, I often worry I'm not hitting that proud and arrogant side of him.

15. Which is the one fic that no-one read which you'd like them to?

I wrote a drabble called Wreath over Christmas that didn't receive one comment, so I don't know whether it's just bad LOL Maybe it's for the best!

TAG EVERYONE! I really did this because I want to see your answers, it's too quiet around here. BTW this is about your OWN fic, not mine, obviously.


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