Aug 01, 2006 10:02
Yeah I'm updating. Unfortunately with bad news. I've been in Indianapolis since 5am monday. The reason I'm here is my dad is in the hospital. He had major emergency heart surgery to replace his Aorta or something like that. After his initial surgery, they had trouble stopping the bleeding so he had to go under the knife two more times as well as lots of drugs to stop the bleeding, which they eventually did. That's good, but what's bad is all the drugs they gave him damaged his lungs and now he's hooked up to a breathing tube. His lungs are getting better, but they're keeping him under until his lungs are working the way they should.
The good news is he's stable and the doctors are optomistic. The bad news is I'm stuck here until at the earliest thursday, and we're not exactly in a nice neighbourhood. I'm starting to miss home. Hopefully I can find a store that sells hacky sacks or a frisbee, something to help my brother and I pass the time.
Everyone who reads this, please prey for my dad.