Feb 20, 2010 23:32
I am so psyched about my new room! haha. and the new house. its going to be an awesome house i can foresee.. finally, something we can seriously call our own, since the present house is rented, and we've been living here for the past 10 years.. change is GOOD.
my room's gonna be frosted white wheee hahah and i'm really really looking forward to my new BIG table (haven't gotten it yet) and my new closet.. and just, a change of environment. Mom decided that the toilet bowl was really uglyy haha, so we're getting the toilet entirely renovated whippeeeee hahah new toilets nice toilets =) i love nice toilets they are important. Finally, we dont all have to take turns using one toilet, cuz the other toilet's heater's spoilt and is usually used as a service balcony.
After this, the next step to note are: 1) curtains 2) rug 3) pretty lights. hahaha. maybe, if i'm really daring and i hope my parents wont kill me, its wallpaper. haha. But all these are thoughts for may/june.. hahah.
Bought a pretty T-shirt dress today omgg i'm going t shirt nuts. i shall go back to esprit to get that shirt i've been thinking about ahhh gahhh i'm going t shirt -espirt nuts.
Anyway, i've expanded my wishlist (for those of you who are looking for inspiration for a birthday prezzie for me.. which, i'm really glad if you are hahaha, such thoughtful friends) to include:
1) versace perfume in the white cap, glass bottle.. i love the scent and have been wanting it for years
2) one of those jewellery boxes that can hold ALL your jewellery,
3) an earring holder for my tons and tons of earrings
4) much love from people who care!
I guess this term has been pretty hard, and its going to get harder unless we all start focusing. but its only a few weeks of pain (sure is less pain than during A levels, so just hang on guys, we all know we'll get there.
okayyyy so psyched!!!