Aug 16, 2010 13:36
I very rarely have any time off work. In fact this is my first instance of absence for sickness in about two and a half years. It's also the first time in my life I've ever been signed off work by my doctor.
I was a very clever girl on Friday night and broke my ankle. I'd love to be able to say I was doing something such as saving a puppy from getting run over but unfortunately it was nothing quite as exciting. I in fact broke my ankle by falling down the stairs.
Clever, no.
I'm all wrapped up in a cast and attempting to hobble round on crutches. I also have some wonderful painkillers.
On top of that am bored out of my skull. It's only been... two and a half days and I'm going round the bend. I'm signed off for a minimum of 8 weeks. How am I going to cope?
Can somebody please stop me before I sign up for facebook just to play the games I hear everyone talking about?