Apr 14, 2008 07:58
I gotta vent and whine and complain because if I don't then I'll have an anxiety attack and those aren't cool at all. Usually I vent to my friends about it but I don't really know who they are these days and they all have their own problems to deal with. I don't want to burden/annoy anyone. I would talk to my mom but she was being a wiiiicked bitch this morning so no way. I would definitely talk to Alex but he's still asleep and doesn't have class until 11:30. I can't wait until then to vent because it would be too late and I would already be a big ball of anxiety and I probably would have ripped someones head off by then. All over this stupid little morning. I am tired! I'm tired because I went to a birthday party bon fire thing last night and drank a little for the first time in a while. Of course all of the alcohol kicked in full force when I got home and it was time for me. So I couldn't sleep. I stayed up and IMd some people, probably embarassed myself. Then I watched The Vast Bearing Sea! (Deadliest Catch) for a while on the Discovery Channel. Thats such an awesome show. They've been having marathons lately because the new season starts tomorrow night. Hell yes. I can't wait to catch up with my hard core fisherman fellows on my favorite ship the Cornelia Marie! I like the Northwestern too. Oh and the Farwest Leader! Not so much the Meverick because they never have a definite captain. Also last night the kitties were extra fiesty and were attacking me and waking me up. Not cool. They're cute and all but not when I'm trying to sleep. So this morning even though I was really tired I got right up and took a shower. I made sure I did everything quickly because I knew my mom was in a mood and I did not want to get caught in the crossfire. It was still annoying listening to her bitch at everyone else though. Then I got to school and the whole coffee fiasco went down. I'm sleepy so I just wanted some coffee but I couldn't get the coffee machine in the cafe to work. I guess it wasn't on...gosh. Then when I finally got my coffee none of the lids would fit. When I thought I found a lid that fit I brought it over to the table to add cream and the lid popped right off and I spilled coffee all over the floor. The cafe lady did that passive aggressive "No no its fine" in a grunty annoyed voice. I hate when she does that. So I got a new lid and brought my coffee to the table, took out my lap top, griped to Maryvett a little bit. I said "Grr I don't want to go to work tonight I'm so tired" and she said "You just started." which bothered me. Soo what if I just started. It's a crappy part time job, I don't have to want to go whether I've been working there a week or a year. It was a sort of rude reply. Only sort of. So I decided I would not try to talk to her about whats bothering me. Anyway then my coffee spilled all over me which was awesome. Maryvett did go and get me napkins though which was very nice of her. Now I have gross coffee stains on my shirt and pants. Awesome. AND I just found out that I need to drop Lit but I can't drop it until I pay the school the 65 bucks that I owe them and it needs to be done before the 19th so I get a "W" for Withdrawn on my transcript and not an F or whatever. I don't get paid until Friday and I have to pay my creditcard bill, my cell phone bill, and I told my mom that I would pay her 50 dollars out of what I owe her. She needs it because now the boys aren't working and she has to pay their cell phone bills. Shes stressed out about that. So yeah. Not a good day so far. I don't see it improving. I have Algebra at 11:30 and work tonight at 4:30. I'll try to nap when I go home. That might help me get through work tonight. I just need to vent it all out and I could use a hug and I'll feel better.