for picspammy

May 14, 2009 17:43

Comparing Rose and the Ninth Doctor to Beauty and the Beast.

This whole idea came from me trying to figure out which Disney princess that was the most like Rose, because I have that kind of thinking time on my hands. Then my platonic lifemate Melissa suggested Belle from Beauty and the Beast and it totally made sense! I even made a wallpaper with the idea. But it got even better, because I went back and watched the movie after not having seen it for ages and wow, RTD must be a fan because the similarities between Belle and the Beast and Rose and the Ninth Doctor especially were outstanding. It's not just the shots, it's what's happening in the scenes.

So we have Belle, and we have Rose. Both ladies who are a bit bored with their lives, who work and have some quirky characters as parents. Rose never breaks out into song, although I'm sure she would if DW were that kind of show, but both girls want something more out of life, adventure.

Obviously, Nine is never takes Rose captive and he is not as fierce as the Beast, but they are both very similar in their guilt and pain that they carry with them. Even the way Nine dresses, simple, dark clothes, can be thought of as a kind of beast costume, pushing people away. Though after initial shock, both Belle and Rose don't really flinch at what their respective men really are. They take it for what it is, and move past it fairly quickly. (A bit too quickly, on Belle's side. lol She went from captive to in love in just a few scenes but it's Disney, what can I say.)

Both girls risk their lives for their men. Belle decides to stay behind and take care of the Beast, while Rose stands up and saves the Doctor for the first of many times. Both couples fight, and both ladies can give as good as they get. While the Beast and the Doctor think they're so tough, the women are tougher and can handle what the guys throw back at them. As well, they both make up, and adorably so.

As well, both the Beast and Nine have a hard time believing their girls would want anything to do with them. Nine doesn't sing this to the rafters, but it's implied and thought of as fact in fanon that he doesn't feel he's good enough for Rose, that he's too tainted and hard.

She glanced this way
I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No it can't be
I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before

While faced with enchantment, or alien beings, the girls are less phased than they should be. Belle more than Rose, but obviously Belle won't be having any nervous breakdowns in a cartoon. But Rose still confronts the unusual with a brave face.

Both the Beast and Nine get a real kick out of watching their girls react to the world around them. I've always thought this is feeding Nine more zest for life, to see Rose's reactions and enjoy the world through her eyes again. Similar to the Beast, both men have been isolated and lonely so long it's incredible to experience anything with someone again, and it reminds them of happiness they had forgotten they could have. Both couples experience extreme glee with each other, and the dancing scenes are just too perfectly cute not to put next to each other.

Both the Beast and the Doctor let their loves go, because they feel like it's the best thing for them. Even though it breaks their hearts, (all three of them! Ha!), they do it anyway.

Hopelessness is a recurring theme with the Doctor, and with the Beast. Both men see no point in going on, and are even suicidal at some points. The Doctor was, before he met Rose, and when Gaston comes to kill the Beast he doesn't even fight him off at first.

Gaston: Get up! Get up! What's the matter, Beast? Too kind and gentle to fight back?

Doctor: And what about me? Am I becoming one of your angels?
Dalek: You are the Heathen. You will be exterminated.
Doctor: Maybe it's time.

Both of them are ready to give up, resigned to their fate, until their heroines come to rescue them.

Rose rescues the Doctor a bit more literally then Belle, but the basic idea is there. Both girls are prompted by their love for these men, and Belle just coming back is enough to give the Beast the strength to defend himself.

In the same vein, both Rose's and Belle's love change their "beasts" into "princes". Rose coming back for the Doctor and saving him was out of pure love, and the need to always be next to him. He in turn saved her out of love, which caused him to regenerate and change into the Tenth Doctor, who you could argue is somehow made for Rose. (Not that Rose and Nine aren't lovely together, I think it's obvious I think that. It's just that I'm still in love with the idea that Ten was tailor made for Rose and if he had regenerated with anyone else he wouldn't be who he is.)

Both girls are tentative about this change at first, of course I have to quote Billie Piper here, if I didn't it would be criminal.

I always acquainted the scene with that moment in Beauty and the Beast, when Belle kisses the Beast and he turns into a man. And you're really happy that he's human but you're also really upset that the Beast is gone. And I always felt like she shouldn't be kissing that number two and he's not the same, it's all a bit weird.
Now obviously this is in reference to Ten II/Rose, but if you're still missing Nine or just remember how you felt at the end of series one at all, it still fits perfectly.

Now you can ponder whether or not Ten is the prince or he's better or whatever, this isn't what this picspam is about. lol Please, no debating or character bashing in my journal. Also please don't use these images for anything, graphics or otherwise.


movies, picspam, into time and space

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