So, I was really bored tonight. And like I usually do when I'm bored, I went to
skyisfalling's awesome
Billie site and started looking through the galleries. And then I thought about doing a Rose picspam, because she's coming back in 3 (now technically 2) days, and it's all the can freaking think about! So, hours later, here it is! It's pretty epic, covers the whole series, including images from series four. I included quotes with the caps, but not of the quotes go with the chosen caps. Just making this made me even more excited for Rose, as if that was possible, so I hope it does the same for you! :D I'm leaving this post public, so feel free to pimp it out and share the love!
1.1 rose
Doctor: Nestene Consciousness? Easy.
Rose: You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me.
Doctor: Yes, I would. Thank you. Right then! I'll be off! Unless, uh... I don't know... you could come with me.
1.2 the end of the world
Rose: Where are you from?!
Doctor: What does it matter?
Rose: Tell me who you are!
Doctor: This is who I am, right here, right now, alright? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!
Rose: Yeah, and I'm here too because you brought me here, so just tell me!
1.3 the unquiet dead
Rose: She saved the world. A servant girl. No one will ever know.
1.4 aliens in london
Rose: Every conversation with you just goes mental. There's no one else I can talk to. I've seen all that stuff up there, the size of it, and I can't say a word. Aliens and spaceships and things, and I'm the only person on planet earth who knows they exist.
1.5 world war three
Doctor: Do you think I don't know that? Because this is my life, Jackie, it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will.
Rose: Then what're you waiting for?
1.6 dalek
Rose: Sorry, I was a bit slow. See you then, Doctor.
It wasn't your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn't your fault. And do you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
1.7 the long game
Doctor: That's her gone. Adam's given up. Looks like it's just you and me.
Rose: Yeah.
Doctor: Good.
Rose: Yep.
1.8 father's day
Rose: If I'd realized...
Doctor: Just... tell me you're sorry.
Rose: I am. I'm sorry.
1.9 the empty child
Jack: So, this companion of yours - does he handle the business?
Rose: Well, I deligate a lot of that, yeah.
Jack: Well, maybe we should go find him.
Rose: And how're you gonna do that?
Jack: Easy. I'll do a scan for alien tech.
Rose: Finally, a professional.
1.10 the doctor dances
Rose: Nancy, the Germans don't come here. They don't win.
Don't tell anyone I told you so, but do you know what? You win.
1.11 boomtown
The Doctor took me to this planet a while back - it was much colder than this - they called it 'Woman Wept'. The planet was actually called 'Woman Wept'. 'Cause, if you looked at it, right, from above, there's like this huge continent, like all curved round... sort of looked like a woman, you know... lamenting. Oh my God, and we went to this beach, right, no people, no buildings, just this beach like, a thousand miles across! And something had happened, something to do with the sun, I don't know - but the sea had just frozen! Like, in a split second in the middle of a storm, right, waves and foam, just frozen! All the way out to the horizon. Midnight, right, we walk underneath these waves a hundred feet tall, made of ice.
1.12 bad wolf
Rose: Different times... different places like it's written all over the Universe...
If the Bad Wolf is in charge of this quiz, then... maybe I'm not here by mistake. Someone's been planning this...
1.13 the parting of the ways
Rose: But it was... it was a better life. And I - I don't mean all the travelling and... seeing aliens and spaceships and things - that don't matter. The Doctor showed me a better way of living your life. That you don't just give up. You don't just let things happen. You make a stand. You say no. You have the guts to do what's right when everyone else just runs away.
2.0 the christmas invasion
Sycorax: The yellow girl. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet.
Harriet Jones: But she can't.
Rose: Yeah I can.
Mickey: Don't you dare.
Rose: Someone's gotta be the Doctor.
Harriet Jones: They'll kill you.
Rose: Never stopped him.
2.1 new earth
Rose: That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet!
2.2 tooth and claw
The Host: Look! Inside your eyes! You've seen it too!
Rose: Seen what?
The Host: The Wolf! There is something of the Wolf about you!
2.3 school reunion
Sarah Jane: Does he still stroke bits of the TARDIS?
Rose: Yeah! Yeah! He does! I'm like, "do you two wanna be alone?"
2.4 the girl in the fireplace
Rose: Are you all right?
Doctor: I'm always all right.
2.5 rise of the cybermen
Rose: They're rich. They've got a house and cars, and everything they want. But they haven't got me.
2.6 the age of steel
Rose: Okay. If that's the best way of finding Jackie... I'm coming with you.
Pete: Why does she matter to you?
Rose: We haven't got time. Doctor, I'm going with him, and that's that.
Doctor: No stopping you, is there?
Rose: Nope.
2.7 the idiot's lantern
Rose: Rose said it. She guessed it straight away, of course she did. All these aerials in one little street - how come?
2.8 the impossible planet
Rose: It's funny, 'cause people back home think that space travel's gonna be all whizzing about and teleports and anti-gravity... but it's not, is it? It's tough.
Doctor: I'll see you later.
Rose: Not if I see you first.
2.9 the satan pit
Rose: What're you doing?
Jefferson: He's infected. He brought that thing on board. You saw it.
Rose: Are you gonna start shooting your own people, now? Is that what you're gonna do? Is it?
Jefferson: If necessary.
Rose: Well then, you'll have to shoot me 'if necessary', so what's it gonna be?
2.10 love and monsters
Jackie: She’s so far away. I get left here sometimes and, um…I don’t know where she is, anything could be happening to her, anything. And I just go a bit mad.
2.11 fear her
Rose: The girl.
Doctor: Of COURSE! ... what girl?
Rose: Something about her gave me the creeps... even her own mum looked scared of her.
Doctor: Are you deducting?
Rose: I think I am.
Doctor: Copper's hunch?
Doctor: Permission to follow it up, sarge.
2.12 army of ghosts
Jackie: Do you think you'll ever settle down?
Rose: The Doctor never will, so I can't. I'll just keep on travelling.
Jackie: And you'll keep on changing. And in forty years time, fifty, there'll be this woman - this strange woman... walking through the marketplace on some planet a billion miles from Earth. She's not Rose Tyler. Not anymore. She's not even human...
2.13 doomsday
Doctor: And what about you? Are you...?
Rose: Yeah, I'm-- I'm back working in the shop.
Doctor: Oh, good for you.
Rose: Shut up. No, I'm not. There's still a Torchwood on this planet, it's open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens.
Doctor: Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth.
4.1 partners in crime
Donna: What about Rose?
Doctor: Still lost.
4.5 the poison sky
Lucius: Doctor... she is returning.
Doctor: Who is? Who's she?
0.0 mid-season trailer
Donna: Rose is coming back. And no matter what's happening, isn't that good?
Doctor: Yeah.
4.10 midnight
Sky: She needed her own space, as they say. A different galaxy in fact. I reckon that's enough space, don't you?
Doctor: Yeah. I had a friend, went to a different universe.
4.11 turn left
Donna: Who are you?
Rose: I was like you.