Title: Empty Characters: Peter/Mohinder Word Count: 199 Rating: PG Spoilers: through 1.20, "Five Years Gone" Written for prompt: future!Mohinder/future!Peter - broken glass in peter_mohinder's drabblethon
Da,m those were two depressing ficlets, lol. Nicely done though, poor Peter is one of the few people left standing in FYG verse (not including Nikki cause she didn't do much) and Nathan is so confused and DYING in the second. He can't die! I forbid him!
Hah, yes, I did seem to be in a depressive mood when writing both of these. :P And while Nathan's death makes for good angsty fic, I am in complete denial about him actually dying! I figure there's at least 2359862 ways for him to come back, so I'm not too worried. :)
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