Title: Mohinder Suresh and the Quest for the Cure (5/8)
Characters: Mohinder/Peter, Noah, Nathan, Sylar, the Haitian; cameos by most of the (surviving) Season 1 cast
Word Count: 28,000ish
Rating: PG-13 for mild language, violence, some non-explicit romance-y stuff -- nothing worse than what you'd find in Raiders. Also, character death -- if you've
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Comments 6
But, Nathan! You conflicted bastard! Just when I was thinking how easily you could be redeemed. *shakes head*
Sylar remains amazingly evil. Throwing Peter into the pit!?! I can't imagine Mama Petrelli being all that pleased about that idea.
And then Peter getting into even more trouble and Mohinder saving him again. *loves* More please?
Thanks for the feedback!! Next chapter should be up tomorow.
Brilliant. :D
Dude. Angela Petrelli is Hitler. It really kinda fits.
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