How rude of your friend ! I used to have a friend that was so sarcastic about everything that she ended up offending lots of our friends and it wasn't until one of them actually sat her down and told her she was pushing people away with her comments and she stopped it. There was a girl in my mommy group when I first had Cole and she said something to the effect of "I can't believe someone would have sex with a guy with so many tattoos" (talking about Luke) and I was just like "uhh wut? I think it's hot as fuck" and she just walked away With her pastel polo shirt and khaki shorts.. Ugh.. and I never went to the group again.. They were all kinda bitches..
Dude, first off what is that girl smoking? Jude's adorable! Even if he wasn't, was she raised by wolves? It's never okay to call someone's child ugly (or husband for that matter). Her kid sounds like he's going to be reaaally well-adjusted and socially-intelligent *rolls eyes*.
I haven't been yard-sailing in ages, and now I'm really wanting to find some good ones!
Comments 12
There was a girl in my mommy group when I first had Cole and she said something to the effect of "I can't believe someone would have sex with a guy with so many tattoos" (talking about Luke) and I was just like "uhh wut? I think it's hot as fuck" and she just walked away With her pastel polo shirt and khaki shorts.. Ugh.. and I never went to the group again.. They were all kinda bitches..
I haven't been yard-sailing in ages, and now I'm really wanting to find some good ones!
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