Strange ...

May 09, 2005 21:18

Sometimes i just wonder why i ever lived my life the way i did (I say did because i'm changing ... dunno for the best though.)
Sometimes i wonder why i loved her
Sometimes i wonder why she loved me.
My life right now is perfect, I have a lovely girlfriend who i adore and love more than anything in the world. I'm moving up in my workplace, getting a good career.
My car is back in action and kicking ass.
Yet i still wonder about her.
I do miss her. It's strange because i told lesleyanne that i didn't miss her, which in a way is true. I don't miss being with her, I just miss talking to her.
I hope she's alright.
I just wonder if i maybe didn't treat her like i should have.
I miss her as a friend but it's so hard to be friends with someone you cared so much about for like a year. It's still hard.
God writing this makes me feel like i'm not over her but i know i am. I don't think of her in that way anymore.
But nothing ... nothing we ever had or possibly could have had feels like it does with lesleyanne.
On sunday we were looking at engament rings.
Scary... eh??
It may not have been a serious look but the thoughts were there.
I could see us being together forever if we canlast the next 4 or 5 years.
I know that seem slike a long time but i don't think it is. I'm TRYING to be possitive with our relationship but it's hard right now because i know that if she gets into University she's going to study in Canada for a year.
A year without her...
I couldn't do that.
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