Stolen from Mad Lar

Mar 17, 2005 16:19

random questions

1 What is your name? John Gibson
2 If you HAD to pierce something on your face besides your ears, what would you pierce? I have already gotten my lip, tongue, eyebrow and ear pierced … what more do you want?
3 Have you ever broken any bones? Where do I start? Both wrists, left forearm
, left leg, dislocated both knee caps, 3 fingers and cracked a rib(which I have right now)
4 Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Is the Pope a catholic?
5 Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes, One that Lesleyanne gave me
6 How 'bout a blankie? Nope.
7 Do you want a tattoo? Yes, Alexisonfire heart thingy on my forearm and flames around my ankles … doubt I’ll get the second one though.
8 What is your biggest fear? Heights & Dogs
9 What are your pet peeves? Cheating Faggots that play CS:Source
10 Do you have a crush on anyone? I’m in love if that counts
11 If yes, what was the first thing you noticed about them? Her eyes
12 What’s your religion? Christian

what first comes to your mind...
13 Stick: What’s brown and sticky
14 Elmo: Strange toys
15 Bean: Les??
16 Shy: Lesleyanne
17 Fred: A guy at my work, lol
18 Pink: Neds wearing pink shirts … and they call us gay
19 Squirrel: Apple Mac’s (don’t ask why)
20 Fences: Gates
21 Dung: Who flung dung, wee Jimmy Young
22 Pants: Jeans??
23 Cow: Pat
24 Lick: Lesleyanne :p
25 Cab: Too much money
26 Lobster: The Little Mermaid
27 Stimac:
28 Sexy: Lesleyanne
29 Cloud: FFVII
30 Soft: Her skin

.: your favourite :.
31 Song: You Want Romance - Funeral For A Friend
32 Band: Alexisonfire
33 Color: Sapphire Blue
34 Place: Laying next to her in bed
35 Words: Diabummdeguff and itwiznemeyabam
36 Saying: 'Life’s a bitch, then you marry one’
37 Super hero: Not really a Superhero in the classic terms but Piccolo from DBZ
38 Smell: Her hair
39 Solo Singer: Dallas Green
40 Ice Cream Topping: Cream Egg
41 Quote: "Man my mom caught me tea bagging my girl last night. It was like .. So funny” (no names being supplied to keep the innocent safe)
42 Actress: Kiera Knightly (almost as sexy as my Alexisonfire zipper)
43 Actor: Denzel Washington
44 Movie: Aliens or Kill Bill
45 Food: Pot Noodles all the way baby
46 Drink: Irn-Bru

.: your dislikes :.
47 Song: Anything by Blink182 or Good Charlotte
48 Band: Blink182 and Good Charlotte
49 Color: White
50 Place: Salsburgh .. Where I live
51 Word: Cunt
52 Saying: "Oh my God .. I’m so Emo”
53 Super hero: Batman … he’s a gimp
54 Smell: Fresh Cut grass … does my hay fever bad
55 Singer: Robbie Williams .. He’s also a gimp
56 Ice Cream Topping: Jelly Tots.
57 Quote: We’re so old skool punk it’s unreal (although you’re really just a stupid atticus kiddie Kris … ass)
58 Actress: Anyone in The O.C.
59 Actor: Anyone in The O.C.
60 Movie: Ernest Goes To Jail
61 Food: Kebabs
62 Drink: Mountain Dew

..: when's the last time you :..
75 Been to the movies? Last Friday
76 Talked on the phone? Last Night
77 Cried? A few weeks ago
78 Had a crush? I’m in love right now … does that count?
79 Took a shower? Today.
80 Exercised? Today.
81 Played on the computer? Doing so right now
82 Watched t.v? It’s on in the background
83 Talked with the opposite sex? Last Night, Lesleyanne
84 Danced? Last Saturday at the Catty
85 Wore a formal suit/dress? Umm… I don’t know.
86 Told someone you loved them? Last Night. To Lesleyanne

..: if you could :..
87 Have sex with any person in the world? Lala
88 Have any car? Honda Civic Type R
89 Live in any place? Canada
90 Have one super power? X ray vision
91 Witness any event in history? D-Day
92 Meet any person in history? Hitler … so I could shave off that bad bad tash
93 Redo a part in your past? Not going to University when i had the chance.
94 Change your name? Anything … anything’s better than my REAL name (which only some people know)
95 Say three words to one person? “I love you” to Lala
96 Change one thing about your body? More muscle mass please.
97 Be any race? Asian
98 Have any pet? Gecko
99 Have one skill? Not really a skill but more common sense
100 Do one last thing before you die? Live my life to it’s fullest
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