
Aug 10, 2004 15:58

Hey-lo, all y'all.

Is it just me, or is this week already boding to be really long? *shrugs* Oh, well... It's probably just me and my current fetish for downloading AMVs.

Been in a bit of a Kingdom Hearts mood of late; I've been madly scrambling for all the Riku/Sora fic I could find that was longer than three parts. *pouts* Grassy is not a fan of short fics. Speed readers need love too, man!

*is guilty of writing shorties*

But... *sighs* Never mind.

I did work some more on various fics and whatnot. I've also started working on a few more. With my newfound X/1999 lurve, I started the most disturbing fic (to me, at least) that I've ever written. It's a crossover with Weiß Kreuz, but the oddness is in the pairing - Ran/Kakyou.

*pauses as everyone blinks*

Yeah, very muchly with the weirdness, ne? I blame it on this Kakyou-centric AMV I watched the other day set to "Tonight And The Rest Of My Life" by Nina Gordon. Very angsty, but very cool.

Speaking of X/1999, Grassy has made another Winamp Skin; this time, featuring Kasumi Karen and Aoiki Seiichirou. I totally fell in love with the base image and finished my third skin (yay!) in about five-ish hours. Check it out and enjoy, even though there are a few problems here and there. But hey, it's loads better than my other two skins! [Preview] | [Download]

Well, I'd best go - I'mma still BitTorrent-ing those first Prince of Tennis eps so I can see what it's all about...

Fic Rec Of The Now:
Stygian Solace - My first Kingdom Hearts rec, wai~! It's very muchly with the greatness - there's Riku/Sora-ness, and angst, and differentness, and angst, and did the Grassy mention ANGST?! While it happens to be unfinished, this is most definitely worth the read if for nothing else than its uniqueness. Basically, it's a "what if" based around the possibility of Sora having actually taken Riku's hand, which changes everything for them. In addition, there's some Leon/Cloud (ick) and some Sephiroth/Cloud (yay!) in addition to it all which adds up to even more angst! I'm such a whore for that...

Really, the only thing that could make this better - other than being finished - is if there was some Seifer/Leon (which will never happen). But still, a girl can dream...

pairing: kh: leon/cloud, media: winamp skins, series: kingdom hearts, recs: fanfiction, pairing: clamp: aoki/karen, random: fangirly rambling, pairing: ff7: sephiroth/cloud, series: x~1999~, pairing: kh: riku/sora

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