...gotta get me some cheerios...

Jul 26, 2004 23:18

Now, let's try this all again, shall we?

*clears throat*

Grassy is back! *frowns* Er...that doesn't seem to have the same impact as it would have last Monday, which was when I returned from the great state of Texas. But I was exhausted; it took me the rest of the week to get caught up on sleep and just get myself back into proper working order. And Friday, when I finally would have updated this thing, I had an appointment to get my eyes checked. After that, I spent until yesterday afternoon at Fyre Faerie's place.

But, hey - at least the Grassy's getting new glasses! Gotta go pick 'em up tomorrow, in fact.

*sighs* And, now that I've exhausted myself making this whole new layout and my three new icons to go with it... I dun feel like talking 'bout what all we did. *sighs* But I shall persevere and make a speech!

Let's see...I stayed up all Sunday night so as to wake up Mom and my aunt...and slept through the ride to Shell Knob so as to pick up Granny. Ate breakfast in Cassville, then slept pretty much the entire drive to Dallas. I woke up to shift my position and for a couple of bathroom breaks. Needless to say, it wasn't very memorable.

So we get to Uncle Bobby and Aunt Betty's place...I try to wake up...yadda, yadda. They take us out to eat and this is where it gets interesting. Now, it no secret that Grassy is a picky eater and has a general dislike of most foods out there, Mexican among them. Well, we went to this place called Caro's and the Grassy about killed herself on the tostados. Seriously and truly, I believe that place had some of the best food I've ever eaten.

After that...it's all a bit of a blur, 'cause we just went back to the house. I immersed myself in listening to Gackt, reading the most amazing book (which I'll gush about in a bit), and sleep.

The next day, we went out to a tea house; which was cool 'cause Mary and Joanne were there. I don't really remember what I ordered, I switched it around with some of the others in return for their chicken. I do, on the other hand, remember dessert. It was a chocolate brownie topped with chocolate whipped cream and chocolate shavings. There was also chocolate syrup drizzled across it. Damn, did my stomach not like me after that, but my mouth is still drooling over it.

So, after that, we said bye to Joanne and went to Mary and Anthony's in Waxahachie. Got to see their baby (Lily) and play with their dogs (Ernie and Sandy). Bill and Connie made an appearance there, which was nice.

Spent several hours there, after which we all went to Johnny Carino's to eat. I actually had a real conversation with - shocker of shockers - my mom while we were there. The food was okay, but mostly what I remember was the fact that our server (can't quite remember his name) was a total sweetheart. And there was this other guy who looked just like my friend Charles...rather creepy, it was. But Charles has a much better ass than that guy. *drools*

Afterwards, we went back to the house and I crashed - again while listening to Gackt and after reading a bit. Plus, I outlined and planned some new fic ideas I had.

The next day, we went out for brunch. I about killed myself in my new boots walking up the stairs to the restroom. Since I was still half asleep during all of this, I don't really remember too awful much. The rest of the day was pretty much just spent lazing around, doing whatever. I nearly finished a new Terazuma/Wakaba (Yami no Matsuei) fanfic, as well as finishing a Riff/Cain (Count Cain) fic. For the latter, I just have to finish converting it from a screenplay to actual story form. Again, I listened to music (breaking bejamin, mostly) and read. Had yet another actual conversation with my mom. Very odd. Time passed and I crashed while having "Damaged" by Plummet on repeat.

Then I was awakened at about 5:30 a.m. to get going. So after that, I pretty much just listened to music and read. Pretty boring, in the retelling of it all.

...so, as you can see, most of what I remember is based around food, music, and my book.

About that book... Has anyone read Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey? If not, you damn well should! I'm nearly finished with it - damn, but it takes even me a long time to read! - and then I'll start in on the sequel. After that, the third book! Mwahaha!

Er...yeah. But the book is kick-ass. I'mma thinking about writing a few fics set in that 'verse, so be prepared, y'all! I know for a fact that I'm gonna do a Gravitation one (Yuki/Shuichi, with possible K/Hiro and Tatsuha/Ryuichi). Other fandoms I'll likely fuse with it - Cowboy Bebop, Weiß Kreuz, Zetsuai/Bronze, Inuyasha, Hellsing, D•N•Angel, and X/1999.

Which leads me into the new fandoms of which Grassy needs to speak.

Duel Masters - I've mentioned this one before, but not in detail. If you haven't seen it, just imagine a parody of Yu-Gi-Oh! with even more slashy implications. I lurve Knight/Hakuoh, though Tohru/Shobu and Mimi/Kokujoh hold major possibilities...

Hunter x Hunter - Now that I've finally read the scanslations I downloaded, I'm so totally in lurve! Grassy *hearts* Killua/Gon, Leorio/Kurapika, and Hisoka/Irumi. A number of other pairings are nice as well, but these three are my faves. Gon and Killua are so kawaii - they're already like an old married couple at the age of twelve. Now I want to get my hands on the anime.

Vandread - This damn show is addicting and has great music! And Fyre Faerie even agrees with that statement in the fullest. We have much love for the Duero/Hibiki-ness. And, after watching the Christmas episode on Friday, Duero/Parfet is just too cute. And Grassy does like Gascogne/Ezra, Jura/Barnette, and Meia/Dita. Gascogne is my fave (so kick-ass!) - it's like they stole Sora from .hack//SIGN, pumped him full of steroids, and stuck on a huge pair of tits. And by huge, I mean bigger than mine...and that's saying something.

X/1999 - I finally borrowed this from Fyre Faerie and Grassy is now very muchly in lurve with Fuuma/Kamui and Seishirou/Subaru. Sorata/Arashi is okay, but doesn't really strike me. I am firmly against Subaru/Kamui unless it's a one-sided crush that ends quickly.

And - though I don't know much about the fandom yet - I'm about to get ahold of some Prince of Tennis episodes, so I'll let y'all know how goes it.

On the non-anime side of things...

Stargate SG-1 is doing rather amazing this season, though Grassy still remains true to her Jack/Sam fangirly-ness. This was my first fandom, so some things just run true. Even Fyre Faerie, who is nearly against het fic now that introduced her to yaoi, still remains an S&J-er. Did not like last season's killing off of Janet. Teal'c/Janet is our second fave pairing off of here.

Stargate: Atlantis has turned out much better than Grassy feared it would, being a spin-off and all. 'Cause for every Angel that's out there, there's yet another Power Rangers that's just crap.

*seeths at the extremely horrid deterioration of the PR 'verse*

But, yeah. Before I really get to ranting... It's damn cool so far, though I really don't have any pairings just yet.

Onto other matters, the Grassy is rejoicing over the continuation of Farscape! Sugoi!!!! Can't wait 'til it starts airing this fall!

Fic Rec Of The Now:
Baiting the Cat - A shortie, in the lurvely Hunter x Hunter fandom. This is mainly a Killua/Gon fic, but there's a li'l bit of Leorio/Kurapika in it, too. Beware the betting and Gon making human/animal behavioral comparisons. A very cute get-together fic mainly told from Killua's side of things without being an actual POV-piece. Definitely worth the twelve reads I've already given it.

series: vandread, pairing: hxh: leorio/kurapika, series: farscape, recs: fanfiction, random: real life, series: hunter x hunter, random: fangirly rambling, series: stargate sg-1, series: kushiel's dart, series: x~1999~, pairing: hxh: killua/gon, series: prince of tennis, series: duel masters, series: stargate: atlantis

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