
Feb 12, 2004 15:26

Damn, it's been a while. Bad Grassy. *smacks hand* Ooooowwwwwwwww!!!! *smacks other hand*

Ahh, that's better.

Sorry, Grassy slept on her arm wrong last night and now has a sore right hand, which SUCKS 'cause Grassy is right-fucking-handed!

Oh, well...

Soooooo, what's Grassy been doing, some may ask (yeah, like two people, but that's still "some")...

Still been d/l-ing D.N.Angel eps. Big surprise there.

Been working on my SatxDai fic. 'Nother big surprise there (seriously, this time...no sarcasm at all).

Started a side-step to my Willow/Draco fic - this one deals with Blaise/Colin and the day Draco spent as a girl. Huuuuuge surprise there; I'm nowhere near finished with it and it's already about the size of one of my normal one-shots.

Working more on my Dark Magician/Celtic Guardian fic. Well, Mahaado/Karimu - it's based around Lizeth-sama's theory that Karimu became the CG. Sort of. Eh, when it's done, you'll see what I mean.

Hmm...what else... Oh! Been reading Inuyasha fics like crazy. Sesshoumaru/Inuyasha is the best IY pairing ever! Though I think I'll go looking for some Kouga/Miroku fics later. Or maybe some het... Anyone know of any Sesshoumaru/Kagome fics that deal with him meeting her family? 'Cause that would be hella funny to read. Heck, if it's a Sesshoumaru/Kagome/Inuyasha threesome, it'd be even better!

Also been reading Gundam Wing fic. *snorts* Like that's aaaannnnyyy surprise, there. The odd thing, though, is that I've been holding back on the 1x2-ness and even the 3x4-ness (ooooohhh...). No, lately Grassy's been splurging on her 13x5 lurve. *waves 13x5 flag proudly* A big "Yay" for Treize/Wufei!

Finally found a copy of AFI's "Silver And Cold" video to download. Probably gonna do some caps and make some icons of that later. Y'know, when my hand's feeling up to it. Also got ahold of Brand New's "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades" video. I <3 the song muchly, but I <3<3<3 the video very muchly.

Anything else?

Well...last Friday Fyre Faerie and I went out for a bit. We had to pick up some blank VHS tapes and I had to get her birthday present. Unfortunately, on our way back from Joplin her car broke down. We had to call her mom and wait to get picked up. It was daaaaaamn cold, lemme tell ya. Sure we were decently covered and there was a blanket in the car, but it still got kinda chilly. Then Mom (yes, I call her mom, "Mom") showed up and her car was wwwaaaarrrrrmmmmmm... Then we got home (yes, I also call her place "home), changed into jammies, and enjoyed the warm house and her birthday present (the first two tapes in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Battle City arc).

Fic Of The Now:
A Rather Unordinary High School Romance - Woooo!!! It's Sessy/Inu-chan! It's a bit AU, but it's still cool. Even better, it's an MPREG! Here's the author's summary of it, 'cause I can't quite give y'all a good one. Inuyasha Taiyou: Average high school student. Okay, so his girlfriend's not really loyal, and his best friend's a pervert...but other than that he's normal, right? Well, if you count having dreams about a strange man making love to him, yeah, he's as normal as they come. Oh, one last warning - it's NC-17!

series: inuyasha, series: gundam wing, recs: fanfiction, pairing: inuyasha: sesshoumaru/inuyasha, random: real life

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