Title: Un(certain)ty
Rated: PG
Warnings: Er…not quite romantic het. *winces* I guess…just Sakuya?
Fandom: Kaikan Phrase
tentinyfandomsPrompt: 06 - street
Spoilers: Slightly implied stuff for episode 23, but only really mentions episodes 05 and 11.
Pairings: Oukouchi Sakuya + Kiryuu Yuka overtones, but mostly gen.
Summary: Despite her candor, Sakuya still doesn’t understand Yuka’s motives.
Author's Notes: Watch as the Grassy attempts (and fails miserably) at writing Sakuya/Yuka. TT.TT Very short and, though I do like it, things didn’t quite end up where I planned for them to go. *chews on sleeve*
Disclaimer: All things Kaikan Phrase belong to Shinjo Mayu-sensei. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.
Most days, Sakuya could expect those people to track him down either after work or outside his apartment building. They would yammer on about music, about Lucifer, about his voice…
It was all so boringly tiresome.
And that one - the girl, Yuka - dared what the others would or could not; she took it a step beyond. Seeing him on his break, going on about dreams and having fun… (Truthfully, though, he’d been much more interested in how adult she’d managed to look in that little red dress.)
Sakuya knew none of the others would have gone this far to seduce him into their band. Their preferred style resided more in sneak attacks on the street, either outside his apartment or after work. But Yuka was here. In his space. Cooking for him. He’d more been expecting one of them to try literally seducing him than this.
Not even that woman had cooked for him. Sakuya had depended upon his own meager skills and fast food from very early on. But, as he’d long known, Yuka was nothing like her. And of all the people involved with recruiting him into Lucifer…
Yuka scared him the most in her honesty.
The End