Well, the new layout it still a bit tetchy, but I'll fiddle with it some more in the morning. If not then, it'll probably be either Sunday evening or Monday morning. *sighs* Overall, it didn't turn out too bad (at least, not in Mozilla Firefox; in IE it's rather icky) and while it's still got some bugs to work through, I definitely like it well enough to keep working on it.
Anyone got any tips on how to do that? Because if I don't have it figured out by Monday night, then I'm turning to
everything_lj for help.
In case you might not recognize the characters, this layout features Sephiroth and Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII; this is from a doujinshi image that I greatly adore.
Squee! I love this pairing! Sephiroth x Cloud is my favorite FF7 pairing, followed closely by Vincent x Yuffie. ♥♥♥ The lyrics are from Gutter Glitter by Switchblade Symphony. Other credit info can be found up top. *points at navi bar* Except for the layout template; it's from
ljlayouts.ORG. Gonna have to add that above...sometime.
Put up my new icons as well, since I couldn't have all those Paradise Kiss ones with a FF7 layout. Two of them are Seph/Cloud, one is Nanba-senpai (Eee! HanaKimi! ♥), and the other three are of my newest obsession
Schism. Hell, if my new layout hadn't been in the works already, this current bit probably would feature Schism characters. Most likely, something Shikai/Jiko because da~mn. That's hot.
...maybe next time. *drools*
Hmm...if I wasn't so hungry and tired, I'd either go read some FF7 fic or make my way through Schism again... *thinks* Er...no. Need food, then sleep. Definitely sleep.