*sneeze* Wonderful.
Well, Grassy's mindless with congestion and the like, but also massive cramps from my goddamn period. Again, wonderful.
Gonna have to update the AFI slash fanlisting,
Scream In Ecstasy, later today. Got over 10 people applying, joy. Not that that's a bad thing, but Grassy's not feeling up to enjoying what she normally does.
Plus, I need to finish some work for the
H-L-A archive for my Triple H/Lita list,
H-L-A (Hunter-Lita Action!). I haven't updated that since October, so I'm waaay behind the times. Got a whole shitload of fics to put up. Damn good fics, though, might I add. Grassy lurves the Trips/Li pairing muchly - guess that's why I made a group for it, eh?
Been trolling through fic lately, finding as many Harry Potter/Gundam Wing (1x2/2x1), Harry Potter/Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yami/Yugi), and Harry Potter/Yu Yu Hakusho (Hiei/Kurama) crossovers as possible. Because of my renewed love of many different fandoms lately *cough*Gundam*cough* I've decided I'll put up a fic rec every time I update this thing. Some will be slash, some het, and some will even be threesomes or more.
For the first time around...lesse... *shrugs*
Well, I guess I'll go with one of what I was talkin' 'bout before - a YYH/HP x-over. It's called
The Best Defense, and is mainly Hiei/Kurama and Ron/Hermione (more pairings may come). Definitely worth a read or two...or twelve...thirteen... Alright, I've read what there is so far of the bloody thing about twenty-seven times so far.
...hm, maybe I'll go make that twenty-eight...